What are notifications?
Notifications are generated by Submissions and TCSI to provide the following information:
- Submissions
- Notifications from Submissions provide information on the status of various processes and may include messages relating to problems with data.
- Notifications from TCSI are generated when TCSI needs to call on other systems, such as the ATO, to verify or perform completeness checks on submitted data.
Notifications are updated automatically every five minutes. However, you can manually refresh the notifications to retrieve the latest notifications at any time.
You can download notifications to Excel files for distribution, reporting, error correction, and so on. You can also delete notifications.
Some example notifications are as follows:
- Updates regarding student loan validations
- CHESSN allocations and updates
- TCSI outages such as planned maintenance
- System errors from Submissions. You can use the information in these notifications when logging issues with Tribal Support.
You can sort and filter the notifications to view the notifications of interest. For example, you can display all notifications showing when a student has been allocated a Commonwealth higher education student partnership number by filtering the notification Category by CHA
The image Notifications page illustrates the layout of the Notifications page after you log in to Submissions.
Example: TFN reporting and notifications
The diagram TFN reporting scenarios illustrates the reporting flow from when the TFN is recorded in the student management system, reported in Submissions, submitted to TCSI, then sent to the ATO. The diagram also illustrates when notifications are sent from TCSI to the ATO for verification, and when the TFN passes and fails verification.