11 August 2022

How to view notifications

View notifications on the Notifications page. To ensure that you are viewing the latest notifications, you must select to refresh the list of notifications to fetch the notifications from TCSI. Once the notifications have been retrieved, select to refresh the list of notifications again to display the notifications in the list. Pop-up messages provide information on the process of retrieving notifications. Some examples of pop-up messages are as follows:

  • Checking for new notifications from TCSI
  • New notifications retrieved
  • No new notifications to retrieve
  • Fetch operation already in progress. That is, someone has refreshed the list of notifications recently and the operation is in progress.
Attention. HEP and VET have separate pop-up messages.

You can sort and filter notifications to view only the notifications of interest. You can also download selected notifications.

The following examples detail how to view notifications in specific cases.

Example: CHESSN allocation

To find when a CHESSN has been allocated to a student:

  1. To view only notifications with the CHESSN category, filter the Notification category using equals CHA. Note that the text is not case sensitive.
  2. To show the notifications in ascending or descending order, sort the notifications by the Date added column.
  3. To show the full text of the notification, select Details.

Example: Post census validation

Post census validation has been completed by TCSI, and you need to download any notifications that show data verification errors for student records in January and February:

  1. To view only notifications with data verification errors, filter the Notification category using equals VER. Note that the text is not case sensitive.
  2. To view only notifications related to the Students data group, filter the Related entity using equals Student .
  3. To view only notifications added between that date range, filter the Date added using range from 01/01/2020 to 29/02/2020.
  4. Select the notifications you want to download to an Excel file.
  5. To download the selected notifications, Select .