18 July 2022

What are approve and submit?

Submissions retrieves data from the student management system to data groups in the staging area. Data groups have records with data and status information. The status information indicates whether the record has been approved and submitted. Data flow describes the flow of data from the student management system through Submissions to TCSI.

The image Student records shows that the records for the Students data group are approved with the status - Submitted OK and the date the record was last submitted.

Student records
Approved records of the Students data groups, with the status submitted ok and the date the record was last submitted

Submissions can approve and submit records automatically. However, you should approve and submit records manually until you are confident that the data is stable, and the common types of issues reported from TCSI are known and understood.


Before submitting records to TCSI the records must be approved. That is, you must check that the records are correct and mark the records as approved. Records can be approved automatically. For example, the data in the student management system is considered to be correct. Therefore, you do not need to approve the data in Submissions.

Course admissions processes are configured in the student management system to ensure that all appropriate validations are in place. However, the department is not yet comfortable with automatic submission of Course admissions data. Therefore, the Course admissions data group has manual approval. On approving a record, Submissions submits the record to TCSI automatically.

Bulk approve and unapprove

Bulk approve, or unapprove, allows you to approve or unapprove all the records that meet a filter criteria.

Courses of study details are managed by a Curriculum committee and the details are sent from the student management system annually. The data group is not configured to approve automatically. Therefore, once the Courses of study records are sent from the student management system, the reporting officer filters the Courses of study data group for all records that are not yet approved and have the pending update status. The reporting officer can then bulk approve to approve all the records simultaneously. On approving the records, Submissions submits the records to TCSI automatically.


Submissions can submit approved records automatically or manually. When submitting records manually, Submissions checks the data dependencies of the records and alerts you to the records that do not meet the required data dependencies.

The diagram Manual submission example illustrates the Courses of study record with the code A00001 is still pending in Submissions and does not yet exist on TCSI. Therefore, submitting the Courses record that links to the Courses of study code A00001 fails with an unmet dependency .

Manual submission example

Submissions allows duplicated key values from the student management system, such as E307 Course code, and delays the validation on non-allowable duplicates until submitted to TCSI. The delay reduces the chance of Submissions not being in line with TCSI validations.

When submitting records automatically, Submissions submits records according to their data dependencies. That is, for the example above, when submitting the Courses records that link to the Courses of study code A00001, Submissions would check the Courses of study data on TCSI for the Courses of study code A00001. Then, if the Courses of study code A00001 was not present, Submissions would submit the Courses of study record with the code A00001 before submitting the Courses records.

For records with extensions, such as Students records with extensions for citizenship, disabilities, and scholarship, each extension is a child record of the Students record with its own status information. For example, in the table Student records with extensions the Student code E123456 has the submitted status OK and the records for the citizenship extensions with code 1 and 8 are also submitted. However, the Student code E443457 has the status Error due to an error in the disability record 11.

Student records with extensions
Record Status Extension Status
Student code: E123456 Submitted OK Citizenship code: 1 Submitted OK
Citizenship code: 8 Submitted OK
Student code: E443457 Error Citizenship code: 1 Submitted OK
Disability code: 11 Error