06 October 2023

How to upload records

Attention. To upload records to a data group, you must ensure the following:

  • The upload feature for the data group is enabled.

  • You are logged in with the role StatutoryAdmin.

You can upload up to 10,000 records to data groups from Excel files to add, update, and delete records. You should only upload records to data groups that are reported manually.

Upload records from Excel files to data groups as follows:

  1. Create a file in Excel for uploading records and add the records to modify.

    Attention. You can create the template using information described in TCSI documentation as detailed in data groups. Alternatively, you can download records from the required data group and use the downloaded files as a template.

    • The file type must be an Excel workbook (*.xlsx).
    • The file name must be the same name as the data group, such as Course of Study.xlsx.
    • The position of columns cannot be changed, and any additional columns will be ignored.
    • The name of the sheets in the Excel file cannot be changed. Sheets with changed names will be ignored.
    • The characters allowed in the SMSref are lower and upper case a to z, 0 to 9, - . _ ~ ( ) ' ! * : @ , ;.
    • The DeleteIndicator is considered FALSE by default. Therefore, if left empty, FALSE is used.
  2. Add the records that you need to upload or modify.

  3. On the data group, select and browse to the Excel file on your computer. Then, wait while the upload process finishes noting any errors that are highlighted.

  4. Refresh the page: select , then view the uploaded records, which appear at the top of the grid.