10 December 2024

What's new in Submissions?

The November (2024.11) release makes the following changes:

CHA category notifications no longer issued

The logic to retrieve a student's record and update the CHESSN on the student record has been removed from Submissions. This was based on feedback from TCSI that the CHA notification category will no longer be issued to providers.

For more information, go to What are notifications?

Logging data enhancements

Unexpected responses from TCSI will result in logging of the data required to log a ticket accurately with TCSI Support. The data includes the request tenant, request organisation ID, request body (JSON), HTTP response, and the complete response body (JSON). The logging is now triggered on any the following conditions:

  • HTTP response is unexpected, such as 500, 401, and 503.

  • Success = FALSE AND Error Category = NULL

  • Success = FALSE AND Error Description is NULL

  • Success = FALSE AND Error Identifier = NULL

  • Error Identifier last three characters = 'SYS'

Tribal Support will be able to extract these details and communicate them to TCSI Support. The extracted details are uploaded directly to the secure FTP server used by TCSI, ensuring no manual intervention is required for security and privacy purposes.

It is recommended that if they experience an unexpected response such as 500, to raise a ticket with Tribal Support so the details can be extracted and linked with the TCSI Support ticket.

Attention Data security & privacy: regarding Student identifiable data for Tribal Support, DevOps and customers.

In discussions with TCSI Support regarding the extraction and sending of Student identifiable data, it was raised that Tribal, out of caution, were obfuscating identifiable data. TCSI Support indicated that it would be impossible to debug issues if the complete request body was not available in plain text format. As such, Submissions will log the Student request & response objects in clear text in Azure Application Insights. A TCSI Support provided secure FTP Server account is being created and the extracted log files should be uploaded to this secure server. Customers can be communicated with using Tribal Secure Send. Any local copy of the file must be destroyed if it contains Student data.

It must also be noted that Tribal maintains secure access to Azure Application Insights and only authorised users will be able to run the query to extract this information from the logs.