Manage the SITS agent to:
Ensure that SITS agent SITS agent is enabled. The SITS agent must be enabled to import data.
Update the database connection string.
Update the polling interval and the change tracking interval.
Schedule a task to complete a full load of the SITS:Vision data. For example, schedule a full load of data outside normal working hours to avoid performance issues.
To manage the SITS agent settings, go to Data Engine and then SITS agent configuration, and select . Then, define the settings for the SITS agent as follows:
- Agent enabled
Select whether the SITS agent is enabled, true, or not, false. The SITS agent must be enabled for Data Engine to import and track changes to data.
Database connection string
Select the Database type and then define the Database connection string as detailed in the table Database connection strings.
Database connection strings Database type Connection string format Oracle Format: user id=username;password=password;data source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=hostname)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=service name)))
user id=tribal.dataengine;password=vM!7Vnx7heKBJDSE;data source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=oracle)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(
acronymSQL Format: Server=hostname;Database=database name;User Id=username;Password=password
Example:;Database=SITSDatabase;User Id=tribal.dataengine;Password=vM!7Vnx7heKBJDSE
Polling interval, change tracking interval, and database connection time out
Attention.The default values for the polling interval, change tracking interval, and database connection time out should only be changed after consultation with Tribal professional services.
Define the polling interval, change tracking interval, and database connection time out, as detailed in the table SITS agent configuration details.
SITS agent configuration details Details Notes Polling interval (ms) The frequency that the agent polls for changes and then creates batches of changed data, in milliseconds. The default is 15000
milliseconds or 15 seconds.Change tracking interval (ms) The offset from the current time, in milliseconds. The change tracking interval ensures that the SITS agent does not track changes for any transactions that are in progress. The default is 10000
milliseconds or 10 seconds.Database connection time out (s) The database connection time out, in seconds, defines the time that the agent tries to connect to the SITS:Vision database before generating a time out error. The default is 30
seconds. -
Schedule task
- Schedule a task by defining the Scheduled date and Scheduled time to load data from SITS:Vision as follows:
Full load of data, all message types: Go to the full load schedule menu options⋮ and select
Attribute load, attribute message type: Go to the attribute load schedule menu options⋮ and select