03 August 2023

Alumni message type

The alumni message type contains data relating to former students of the institution such as the dates of study at the institution.


The diagram Alumni schema shows how the entities of the alumni message type, such as Alumni and GraduationCeremony, are linked to the Student entity in the enrolment message type.

Alumni schema
Schema diagram for the alumni message type

Entity and attribute mappings

The default entity and attribute mappings for the alumni message type are detailed below. The alumni message type also contains custom attributes for specific entities.

Data Engine to SITS:Vision mappings

The table Alumni message type mappings details the Data Engine to SITS:Vision entity and attribute mappings.

For each Data Engine entity, the following attributes are generated:

  • dataSource

  • sourceChangeDateTime

  • insertedDateTime

  • updatedDateTime

The default mappings provided by Tribal can be customised for the institution in SITS:Vision. For more information on customising the mappings, go to SITS:Vision Manuals and then Menu System and then Technical Guide and then Integration Guide and then Tribal Edge and then Tribal Data Engine.
Alumni message type mappings
Data Engine entity Data Engine attribute SITS:Vision entity SITS:Vision attribute
Alumni alumnusId MEN_RID RID_UUID
Alumni alumnusCode SRS_ALU ALU_CODE
Alumni studentId MEN_RID RID_UUID
Alumni studentCode SRS_ALU ALU_STUC
Alumni alumnusType SRS_ALU ALU_TYPE
Alumni statusCode SRS_ALU ALU_STAC
Alumni statusDescription SRS_STA STA_NAME
Alumni preferredMethodOfContact SRS_ALU ALU_PCON
Alumni preferredLanguage SRS_ALU ALU_PLAN
Alumni graduationSurname SRS_ALU ALU_GRDS
Alumni dead SRS_ALU ALU_DEAD
Alumni dateDied SRS_ALU ALU_DIED
Alumni startDateAtInstitution SRS_ALU ALU_BEGD
Alumni endDateAtInstitution SRS_ALU ALU_ENDD
GraduationCeremonies id MEN_RID RID_UUID
GraduationCeremonies graduationCeremonyId MEN_RID RID_UUID
GraduationCeremonies studentId MEN_RID RID_UUID
GraduationCeremonies periodId MEN_RID RID_UUID
GraduationCeremonies studentCode SRS_SCY SCY_STUC
GraduationCeremonies sequenceNumber SRS_SCY SCY_SEQN
GraduationCeremonies ceremonyStatus SRS_SCY SCY_CMYS
GraduationCeremonies attendanceStatus SRS_SCY SCY_ATTS
GraduationCeremonies awardStatusCode SRS_SCY SCY_AWDS
GraduationCeremonies awardStatusDescription CAM_AWS AWS_NAME
GraduationCeremonies awardsCeremonyCode SRS_SCY SCY_CMYC
GraduationCeremonies studentSpecialNeeds SRS_SCY SCY_SNEED
GraduationCeremonies guestSpecialNeeds SRS_SCY SCY_GNEED
GraduationCeremonies studentCourseJoinCode SRS_SCY SCY_SCJC
GraduationCeremonies academicYearCode SRS_SCY SCY_AYRC
GraduationCeremonies periodSlotCode SRS_SCY SCY_PSLC
GraduationCeremonies departmentCode SRS_SCY SCY_DPTC
GraduationCeremonies departmentDescription INS_DPT DPT_NAME
GraduationCeremonies courseCode SRS_SCY SCY_CRSC
GraduationCeremonies programmeOfStudyCode SRS_SCY SCY_PRGC
GraduationCeremonies programmeOfStudyDescription INS_PRG PRG_NAME
GraduationCeremonies routeCode SRS_SCY SCY_ROUC
GraduationCeremonies routeDescription INS_ROU ROU_NAME
GraduationCeremonies futureCeremonyDate SRS_SCY SCY_FCYD
GraduationCeremonies confirmedAward SRS_SCY SCY_CAWD
GraduationCeremonies confirmedClassCode SRS_SCY SCY_CCLS
GraduationCeremonies studentSeatPreassigned SRS_SCY SCY_SPAS
GraduationCeremonies ceremonySeatingBlock SRS_SCY SCY_CYBC
GraduationCeremonies studentSeatRow SRS_SCY SCY_SROW
GraduationCeremonies studentSeatNumber SRS_SCY SCY_SSEAT
GraduationCeremonies numberOfGuestSeatsRequired SRS_SCY SCY_NSRQ
GraduationCeremonies numberOfGuestSeatsAll SRS_SCY SCY_NSAL
GraduationCeremonies numberOfReceptionPlacesRequired SRS_SCY SCY_NRRQ
GraduationCeremonies numberOfReceptionPlacesAll SRS_SCY SCY_NRAL
GraduationCeremonies numberOfGuestSeatsDisabled SRS_SCY SCY_DISP
GraduationCeremonies enclosedPayment SRS_SCY SCY_EPAY
GraduationCeremonies amountPaid SRS_SCY SCY_PAID
GraduationCeremonies receiptNumber SRS_SCY SCY_RCTN

Custom attributes

The table Custom attributes details the Data Engine entities that have custom attribute fields and the number of custom attribute fields for each entity.

Custom attributes
Data Engine entity Custom attribute fields
Alumni 4
GraduationCeremonies 4