03 August 2023

Course message type

The course message type contains data relating to courses such as titles, entry points, and so on.


The diagram Course schema shows how the entities of the course message type, such as AdmissionsCourse, are linked to the other entities in the course message type, such as Course. The diagram also shows how the entities in the course message type are linked to entities in the applicant, enrolment, learning and progression, and period message types.

Course schema
Schema diagram for the course message type

Entity and attribute mappings

The default entity and attribute mappings for the course message type are detailed below. The course message type also contains custom attributes for specific entities.

Data Engine to SITS:Vision mappings

The table Course message type mappings details the Data Engine to SITS:Vision entity and attribute mappings.

For each Data Engine entity, the following attributes are generated:

  • dataSource

  • sourceChangeDateTime

  • insertedDateTime

  • updatedDateTime

The default mappings provided by Tribal can be customised for the institution in SITS:Vision. For more information on customising the mappings, go to SITS:Vision Manuals and then Menu System and then Technical Guide and then Integration Guide and then Tribal Edge and then Tribal Data Engine.
Course message type mappings
Data Engine entity Data Engine attribute SITS:Vision entity SITS:Vision attribute
AdmissionsCourses id MEN_RID RID_UUID
AdmissionsCourses admissionsCourseId MEN_RID RID_UUID
AdmissionsCourses admissionsCourseCode SRS_MCR MCR_CODE
AdmissionsCourses courseId MEN_RID RID_UUID
AdmissionsCourses title SRS_MCR MCR_TITL
AdmissionsCourses institutionTier1 SRS_MCR MCR_FACC
AdmissionsCourses institutionTier2 SRS_MCR MCR_DPTC
AdmissionsCourses institutionTier3 No default mapping No default mapping
AdmissionsCourses courseAimCode No default mapping No default mapping
Courses courseId MEN_RID RID_UUID
Courses courseCode SRS_CRS CRS_CODE
Courses tenantCode INS_INS INS_UKPN
Courses title SRS_CRS CRS_TITL
Courses courseAimCode INS_EQA EQA_HESA
Courses courseAimDescription INS_EQA EQA_NAME
Courses kiscourseId No default mapping No default mapping
Courses institutionTier1 SRS_CRS CRS_FACC
Courses institutionTier1Description SRS_FAC FAC_NAME
Courses institutionTier2 SRS_CRS CRS_DPTC
Courses institutionTier2Description INS_DPT DPT_NAME
Courses institutionTier3 No default mapping No default mapping
Courses awardingBody INS_INS INS_UKPN
Courses modeCode SRS_CRS CRS_MOAC
Courses modeDescription INS_MOA MOA_NAME
Courses courseLength SRS_CRS CRS_YLEN
Courses unitsOfLengthCode SRS_CRS CRS_UOMC
Courses lengthInUnits SRS_CRS CRS_LENG
Courses admissionsProgrammeCode No default mapping No default mapping
Courses duration Derived from multiple Derived from multiple
CourseInstances id MEN_RID RID_UUID
CourseInstances courseInstanceId MEN_RID RID_UUID
CourseInstances courseId MEN_RID RID_UUID
CourseInstances periodId MEN_RID RID_UUID
CourseInstances nextCourseInstanceId MEN_RID RID_UUID
CourseInstances academicYearCode SRS_CBO CBO_AYRC
CourseInstances courseCode SRS_CBO CBO_CRSC
CourseInstances blockCode SRS_CBO CBO_BLOK
CourseInstances occurrenceCode SRS_CBO CBO_OCCL
CourseInstances startDate Derived from multiple Derived from multiple
CourseInstances endDate Derived from multiple Derived from multiple
CourseInstances nextAcademicYearCode SRS_CBO CBO_NAYR
CourseInstances nextCourseCode SRS_CBO CBO_NCRS
CourseInstances nextBlockCode SRS_CBO CBO_NBLK
CourseInstances nextOccurrenceCode SRS_CBO CBO_NOCC
CourseInstances locationCode SRS_CBO CBO_LCAC
CourseInstances externalLocationOfStudyCode SRS_CBO CBO_ELSC
CourseInstances cohortCode SRS_CBO CBO_COHC
CourseInstances periodSlotCode SRS_CBO CBO_PSLC
CourseInstances levelCode SRS_CBO CBO_LEVC
CourseInstances commencementPeriod SRS_CBO CBO_PSLC
CourseInstances blockDescription SRS_BLK BLK_NAME
CourseInstances occurrenceDescription SRS_OCC OCC_NAME
CourseInstances nextBlockDescription SRS_BLK BLK_NAME
CourseInstances nextOccurrenceDescription SRS_OCC OCC_NAME
CourseInstances locationDescription INS_LCA LCA_NAME
CourseInstances externalLocationOfStudyDescription SRS_ELS ELS_NAME
CourseInstances cohortDescription SRS_COH COH_NAME
CourseInstances levelDescription CAM_LEV LEV_NAME
EntryPoints id MEN_RID RID_UUID
EntryPoints entryPointId MEN_RID RID_UUID
EntryPoints admissionsCourseCode SRS_MCO MCO_MCRC
EntryPoints admissionsCourseId MEN_RID RID_UUID
EntryPoints academicYearId MEN_RID RID_UUID
EntryPoints academicYearCode SRS_MCO MCO_DAYR
EntryPoints monthOfEntryCode SRS_MCO MCO_DMTH
EntryPoints sequenceNumber SRS_MCO MCO_SEQN
EntryPoints title SRS_MCO MCO_TITL
EntryPoints blockCode SRS_MCO MCO_BLOK
EntryPoints occurrenceCode SRS_MCO MCO_OCCL
EntryPoints startDate SRS_MCO MCO_BEGD
EntryPoints expectedEndDate SRS_MCO MCO_EEND
EntryPoints courseOptionLength SRS_MCO MCO_YLEN
EntryPoints isActive SRS_MCO MCO_ACTV
EntryPoints entryWindowName SRS_ENW ENW_NAME
EntryPoints entryWindowOpeningDate SRS_ENW ENW_OPED
EntryPoints entryWindowClosingDate SRS_ENW ENW_CLOD
EntryPoints monthOfEntryDescription SRS_MTH MTH_NAME
EntryPoints blockDescription SRS_BLK BLK_NAME
EntryPoints occurrenceDescription SRS_OCC OCC_NAME
ValidCourseOptions id MEN_RID RID_UUID
ValidCourseOptions validCourseOptionId MEN_RID RID_UUID
ValidCourseOptions courseCode SRS_VCO VCO_CRSC
ValidCourseOptions sequenceNumber SRS_VCO VCO_SEQ6
ValidCourseOptions programmeOfStudyCode SRS_VCO VCO_PRGC
ValidCourseOptions name SRS_VCO VCO_NAME
ValidCourseOptions inUse SRS_VCO VCO_IUSE
ValidCourseOptions routeCode SRS_VCO VCO_ROUC
ValidCourseOptions schemeCode SRS_VCO VCO_SCHC
ValidCourseOptions awardCode SRS_VCO VCO_AWDC
ValidCourseOptions courseId MEN_RID RID_UUID
ValidCourseOptions programmeOfStudyDescription INS_PRG PRG_NAME
ValidCourseOptions routeDescription INS_ROU ROU_NAME
ValidCourseOptions schemeDescription INS_SCH SCH_NAME
ValidCourseOptions awardDescription INS_AWD AWD_NAME

Custom attributes

The table Custom attributes details the Data Engine entities that have custom attribute fields and the number of custom attribute fields for each entity.

Custom attributes
Data Engine entity Custom attribute fields
AdmissionsCourses 4
Courses 6
CourseInstances 6
EntryPoints 4