03 August 2023

Sponsor finance message type

The sponsor finance message type contains data relating to sponsor finance such as sponsor names, contact information, and so on.


The diagram Sponsor finance schema shows how the Sponsors entity of the sponsor finance message type is linked to the Customers entity in the student finance message type.

Sponsor finance schema
Schema diagram for the sponsor finance message type

Entity and attribute mappings

The default entity and attribute mappings for the sponsor finance message type are detailed below. The sponsor finance message type also contains custom attributes for specific entities.

Data Engine to SITS:Vision mappings

The table Sponsor finance message type mappings details the Data Engine to SITS:Vision entity and attribute mappings.

For each Data Engine entity, the following attributes are generated:

  • dataSource

  • sourceChangeDateTime

  • insertedDateTime

  • updatedDateTime

The default mappings provided by Tribal can be customised for the institution in SITS:Vision. For more information on customising the mappings, go to SITS:Vision Manuals and then Menu System and then Technical Guide and then Integration Guide and then Tribal Edge and then Tribal Data Engine.
Sponsor finance message type mappings
Data Engine entity Data Engine attribute SITS:Vision entity SITS:Vision attribute
Sponsors id MEN_RID RID_UUID
Sponsors sponsorId MEN_RID RID_UUID
Sponsors sponsorCode SRS_SPO SPO_CODE
Sponsors sponsorName SRS_SPO SPO_NAME
Sponsors invoiceContact SRS_SPO SPO_ICON
Sponsors invoiceAddress1 SRS_SPO SPO_IAD1
Sponsors invoiceAddress2 SRS_SPO SPO_IAD2
Sponsors invoiceAddress3 SRS_SPO SPO_IAD3
Sponsors invoiceAddress4 SRS_SPO SPO_IAD4
Sponsors invoiceAddress5 SRS_SPO SPO_IAD5
Sponsors invoiceAddressPostcode SRS_SPO SPO_IAPC
Sponsors invoiceAddressTelephone SRS_SPO SPO_ITEL
Sponsors contactAddress1 SRS_SPO SPO_CAD1
Sponsors contactAddress2 SRS_SPO SPO_CAD2
Sponsors contactAddress3 SRS_SPO SPO_CAD3
Sponsors contactAddress4 SRS_SPO SPO_CAD4
Sponsors contactAddress5 SRS_SPO SPO_CAD5
Sponsors contactAddressPostcode SRS_SPO SPO_CAPC
Sponsors contactTelephoneNumber SRS_SPO SPO_CTEL
Sponsors faxNumber SRS_SPO SPO_FAXN
Sponsors emailAddress SRS_SPO SPO_EMAD

Custom attributes

The table Custom attributes details the Data Engine entities that have custom attribute fields and the number of custom attribute fields for each entity.

Custom attributes
Data Engine entity Custom attribute fields
Sponsors 4