07 July 2023

Period message type

The period message type contains data relating to periods of learning such as start weeks, end weeks, and so on.


The diagram Period schema shows how the entities of the period message type, such as Periods, are linked to the other entities in the period message type, such as AcademicYears. The diagram also shows how the entities in the period message type are linked to entities in the course and module message types.

Period schema
Schema diagram for the period message type

Entity and attribute mappings

The table Period message type mappings details the Data Engine to SITS:Vision entity and attribute mappings.

For each Data Engine entity, the following attributes are generated:

  • dataSource

  • sourceChangeDateTime

  • insertedDateTime

  • updatedDateTime

The default mappings provided by Tribal can be customised for the institution in SITS:Vision. For more information on customising the mappings, go to SITS:Vision Manuals and then Menu System and then Technical Guide and then Integration Guide and then Tribal Edge and then Tribal Data Engine.
Period message type mappings
Data Engine entity Data Engine attribute SITS:Vision entity SITS:Vision attribute
AcademicYears id MEN_RID RID_UUID
AcademicYears academicYearId MEN_RID RID_UUID
AcademicYears academicYearCode INS_AYR AYR_CODE
AcademicYears academicYearName INS_AYR AYR_NAME
AcademicYears academicYearStartDate INS_AYR AYR_BEGD
AcademicYears academicYearEndDate INS_AYR AYR_ENDD
Periods periodId MEN_RID RID_UUID
Periods academicYearId MEN_RID RID_UUID
Periods periodSlotCode INS_PSL PSL_CODE
Periods academicYearCode INS_AYR AYR_CODE
Periods periodName INS_PSL PSL_NAME
Periods periodStartDate CAM_YPD YPD_SDATE
Periods periodStartWeek INS_PSL PSL_BEGW
Periods periodEndDate CAM_YPD YPD_EDATE
Periods periodEndWeek INS_PSL PSL_ENDW
YearPeriodWeeks id MEN_RID RID_UUID
YearPeriodWeeks yearPeriodWeekId MEN_RID RID_UUID
YearPeriodWeeks periodId MEN_RID RID_UUID
YearPeriodWeeks academicYearId MEN_RID RID_UUID
YearPeriodWeeks academicYearCode CAM_YPD AYR_CODE
YearPeriodWeeks periodSlotCode CAM_YPD PSL_CODE
YearPeriodWeeks periodWeekNumber CAM_YPD YPD_WKNO
YearPeriodWeeks yearWeek CAM_YPD YPD_AYWW
YearPeriodWeeks startDate CAM_YPD YPD_SDATE
YearPeriodWeeks endDate CAM_YPD YPD_EDATE