06 December 2022

SITS agent configuration

Details the configuration of the SITS agent and scheduled tasks.

SITS agent

The configuration of the SITS agent is as follows:

  • Agent enabled if true, the SITS agent is enabled.

  • Database type of the SITS database, that is SQL Server or Oracle.

  • Database connection string that securely connects the SITS agent to the database.

  • Polling interval (ms) defines how frequently the database is polled for changes. The default time is 15000 milliseconds or 15 seconds.

  • Change tracking interval (ms) defines how frequently changes are tracked in the SITS database. The default time is 10000 milliseconds or 10 seconds.

  • Database connection timeout (s) defines how long an operation runs before timing out. The default time is 30 seconds.

To change the settings for the SITS agent, select EditEdit.

Schedule task

Schedule a task by defining the Scheduled date and Scheduled time to load data from SITS:Vision as follows:

  • Full load of data, all message types: Go to the full load schedule menu options and select EditEdit.