18 July 2022


Accessibility details suggestions on how to improve the user experience with JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver screen readers as follows:

  • Pronounce acronyms correctly.
  • Spell out words and announce individual digits in numbers.

Pronounce acronyms correctly

Add acronym pronunciations to screen readers to pronounce acronyms correctly as follows:

Spell out words and numbers

Spell out words and numbers using keyboard shortcuts for the screen reader to announce individual characters. For example, if you want to know the letters in a word or the digits in a number.

Information on the keyboard shortcuts can be found as follows:

Go to the section Desktop and laptop keystrokes and then For reading text in the JAWS keystrokes guide.
Go to Section 5. Navigating with NVDA in the NVDA user guide.
Go to the section Change your VoiceOver settings and then Set how much VoiceOver tells you in the iPhone user guide.