18 July 2022

What is your profile?

Your profile is your opportunity to tell people who you are and what you like. You can find your profile on the profile menu button. Your connections can view your profile and post to your timeline.

Your profile consists of the following:

  • Picture that people can use to confirm you're the right person.
  • Description so you can share information about yourself, such as your hometown and what you're studying.
  • Hobbies and interests, such as reading or trampolining.

Members of groups you have joined can view your profile from the group members list and send you connection requests from your profile. People can also search for you by your username to send you connection requests. If your username is wrong contact Engage administrators.

At first your profile is visible to all Engage users so people can find you easily. However, you can make your profile private so people can't search for you but you are still visible to your connections.

Post your latest news to your profile timeline and attach images and videos. Your connections can also post to your timeline to share information with you. You get a notification when a connection has posted to your timeline.

If a connection's post or comment is inappropriate or offensive, you can do the following:

  • Remove the post or comment from your timeline.
  • Report the post or comment by sending a message to administrators, who should respond with actions or steps taken against the connection.

The image Your profile illustrates the about tab of your profile, including your profile image, description, hobbies & interests, and links to your photos and connections.

Your profile
Your Profile about tab

Manage your account security by changing your password or logging out. You can also request a copy of all personal information held about you in Engage in accordance with GDPR (general data protection regulation).