18 July 2022

What are connections?

Connections are people from all areas of campus life, such as friends, colleagues, and staff. You can find people and send them connection requests quickly to expand your network. People can also search for you to send you connection requests.

You get a notification when you receive a new connection request and when a connection request you sent is accepted.

You and your connections can do the following:

  • View each other's profile.
  • Post to each other's timeline.
  • Like and comment on each other's posts.
  • Send direct messages to chat privately. You can also receive messages from staff who are not connections.

If a connection is harassing you, or has posted inappropriate or offensive material, you can do the following:

  • Disconnect to no longer see the connection's posts.
  • Block the connection so they can't search for you or see your activity. You can unblock the connection later if you change your mind.
  • Report the connection by sending a message to administrators, who should respond with actions or steps taken against the connection.

The image My connections illustrates the connection information displayed in my connections, including profile image, name, number of mutual connections, and the option to send messages.

My connections