12 October 2023

What are pages?

Pages keep you up to date with institution services and local business activity. Follow pages to get the latest news sent to your newsfeed. You can unfollow a page later if it no longer interests you.

On following a page, you get a notification when there is a new post. You can like and comment on the posts of pages you follow. You can also view additional page information, such as opening hours and location.

The image Page details illustrates the about tab for the page, including page image and description, with options to find out additional information for the page, contact page administrators, and unfollow the page.

Page details
Page about tab

If you have been granted the required permissions, you can create pages for services such as the student union. You are an administrator for pages you create, but you can invite anyone else to be an administrator. Page administrators can customise page details. For read-only pages, only administrators can post to the timeline but followers can still like posts. You can attach files to posts. For example, to add a document with details of a student union event to posts.