Applications reference data
The reference data for applications defines the values that are available for selection, such as the desks, admissions programmes, entry points, offers, and so on.
Details the reference data the Applications app as follows:
- Reference name such as Application status.
- If the values for the entity or field are Editable.
To view the values for the reference data, select .
The table Reference data attributes details the reference data for applications with a description of the attribute, if the attribute is editable, the feature that uses the attribute, where the attribute is used with other reference data attributes, and the related reference data attributes used in the attribute.
Reference name | Description | Feature | Editable? | Parent attributes | Child attributes | API code |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
academicClearances |
Status of academic reviews such as Completed, Cancelled, and so on. |
Academic review |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
academicReviewStatus |
Type of academic review, such as application and credit. |
Academic review |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
academicReviewType |
Years that define a period of academic study, such as 2022 |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
academicYears |
Statuses that define the applicant's acceptance of a place on a |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
acceptanceStatuses |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
actionCategories |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
actionFamilies |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
actionItems |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
actionOwnerTypes |
If qualification grades are Actual or Predicted. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
actualOrPredicted |
Not used |
Not applicable |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
addressEntities |
Types of addresses, such as Home address. |
Person profile |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
addressTypes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
addressVerificationStatuses |
Entry system of applications, such as Direct and |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
admissionsEntrySystems |
Valid routes for modular admissions |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Award group Route |
admissionsOptions |
Admissions programme |
Admissions |
Applications |
Yes |
Approval status
Intended award level |
admissions |
Agency name, such as Best Agency. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
agencies |
Groupings of agencies, such as South Asia agencies. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
agencyGroups |
Statuses of references that are requested from referees, such as Reference uploaded. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
agencyReferenceRequestStatuses |
Agency type, such as Agency. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
agentTypes |
If the agent works independently or as part of an agency. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
agentTypes |
Agent name, such as Vijay Krishna. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
agents |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
applicantCategories |
Not applicable |
applicantFeePayers |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
applicationMethods |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
application |
If qualification points are Confirmed or Provisional. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
applicationPointsStatuses |
The minimum and maximum points, number of decimal places, and units of the tariffs used in application points. |
Applications |
Yes |
Application points unit, Tariff |
applicationPointsTypes |
Units of measurement of the tariffs used in application points, such as |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
applicationPointUnits |
Approval statuses that define if admissions |
Applications |
Yes |
Admissions programme |
Not applicable |
approvalStatuses |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
auditionMethods |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
awards |
Award levels that categorise academic awards, such as Undergraduate degree. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
awardGroups |
Basis course type - to be defined. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
basisCourseTypes |
The basis for the applicant being offered a place on a |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
basisForAdmissions |
Basis for credit such as:
Credit transfer |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
basisForCredits |
If the person has been in care. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
beenInCare |
Time the person was in care, such as 2 years. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
beenInCareDuration |
Periods of study for |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
blocks |
Campuses that define the teaching locations of the institution, such as Hesslewood Park campus. |
Applications |
Yes |
campuses |
Care leaver statuses, such as Care leaver (16+). |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
careLeaver |
Carer statuses, such as Carer. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
carers |
Status, such as Approved and Pending, of change request. For example, a deferral request. |
Application |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
changeRequestStatuses |
Change request type, such as Deferral request. |
Application |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
changeRequestTypes |
Statuses of clearance checks, such as Passed and Failed. |
Clearance checks |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
clearanceCheckStatuses |
Clearance check task templates are available for selection as tasks of clearance check types. |
Clearance checks |
Yes |
clearanceCheckTaskTemplates |
Types of clearance checks that are added to offer libraries and applications to ensure that applicants meet the entry requirements for |
Clearance checks |
Yes |
clearanceCheckTypes |
Categories of clearance checks, such as Conditional offer evidence. |
Clearance checks |
No |
clearanceCheckTypeCategories |
Countries that define nationalities, such as Ireland. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
commonCountryDefinitions |
Application status, such as Pending for an application that is initially created. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
completionStates |
Statuses of offer conditions in the applicant portal, such as Condition met. |
Applicant portal |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
conditionMetStatuses |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
confirmedOrUnconfirmed |
Types of consent given by applicants, such as Personal data consent. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
consentConfirmationTypes |
Statuses of consent given by applicants, such as Active. |
Person profile |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
consentStatuses |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
contactEntityTypes |
Methods of contact, such as Personal email. |
Person profile |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
contactTypes |
Country information for locations, such as campuses. |
Applications |
Yes |
Country |
Geographical group Region |
countries |
Stage the credit offer was accepted, such as response 1 and response 2. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
creditOfferAcceptedStage |
Categories for credit offer elements, such as Credit and Admissions. |
Credit transfer |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
creditOfferElementCategories |
Status of an credit offer element, such as Approved and Declined. |
Credit transfer |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
creditOfferElementStatuses |
Status of a credit offer, such as Granted and Rejected. |
Credit transfer |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
creditOfferStatuses |
Source of the credit, such as Credit transfer and Recognised prior learning. |
Credit transfer |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
creditSources |
Recognition type of the credit transfer, such as Credit and Admissions. |
Credit transfer |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
creditTransferRecognitionTypes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
criminalConvictions |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
dataProtectionCategories |
Decisions that can be made on applications, such as Conditional offer. |
Decision making |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
decisions |
Decisions for offer libraries, such as Unconditional offer. |
Decision making |
No |
Not applicable |
decisionProfiles |
Reasons for rejecting applications used for reporting to admissions agencies, such as Course full. |
Reporting |
No |
Not applicable |
decisionRejectionReasons |
Submitted statuses of decisions made on applications, such as Succeeded. |
Decision making |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
decisionSubmissionStates |
Departments of the institution, such as Department of medicine. |
Applications |
Yes |
Department |
Department Department type |
departments |
If the department is a department, school, or institution. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
departmentTypes |
If there are dependants and, if applicable, the type of dependants, such as Young people or children. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
dependants |
Desks that define the applications process for the assigned applications, such as Hesslewood campus - Undergraduate applications. |
Applications |
Yes |
desks |
If the applicant receives Disabled Students' Allowance, such as Not in receipt of Disabled Students' Allowance. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
disabilityAllowances |
Groups that define disciplines, such as Biological and biotechnical sciences or Education and human society. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
disabilityGroups |
Discipline group, such as Biological and bio-technical sciences and Engineering and environment sciences. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
disciplineGroups |
Modes of attendance for instances of previous education, such as Full-time. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
educationHistoryAttendanceTypes |
Locations where instances of previous education were taught, such as School/College/University. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
educationLocationTypes |
Details an embargo type for an admissions entry system. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
embargoTypes |
Subjects of study that define the enrolment structures for applications to |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
enrolmentStructureTypes |
Types of qualifications that define the enrolment structure for applications to |
Applications |
Yes |
Admissions programme |
Enrolment structure type |
enrolmentStructures |
Entry points that define when, where and how |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Block Desk Medium
entryPoints |
Periods of applicant intake to |
Applications |
Yes |
entryWindows |
Types of establishments that define other organisations, such as Agency. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
establishmentGroups |
Types of ethnic origin, such as Asian or Asian British - Indian. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
ethnicOrigins |
Event types used in the event logs that give information on the processing of applications, such as Informational. |
Event logs |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
eventLogTypes |
Status of evidence requested from the applicant, such as Awaiting evidence and Completed review. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
evidenceStatusCodes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
examinerTypes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
exemptionsProfiles |
Yes |
Fee status |
Not applicable |
externalFeeLevels |
If the applicant is eligible for external funding, such as Fundable. Used for reporting purposes. |
Reporting |
Yes |
Not applicable |
externalFundabilities |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
externalLevels |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
externalLocationOfStudies |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
externalSubjects |
Groups of departments at the institution. For example, the Faculty of health and wellbeing contains the Department of medicine, Department of nursing, and so on. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
faculties |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
feeDataGroups |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
feeDataTypes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
feeProfileTypes |
Charges that can be included in fee quotations, such as Parking permit. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
feeQuotationCharges |
Reason for fee quotation request, such as entry point changed and fee quotation updated. |
Applications |
No |
Not used |
Not used |
feeQuotationRequestReasons |
Statuses of fee quotations sent to applicants, such as Complete. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
feeQuotationStatuses |
Groups of fee statuses categorised by applicant type, such as Overseas applicants. Fee status groups are used for reporting purposes. |
Reporting |
Yes |
Not applicable |
feeStatusGroups |
Statuses that define the rate of fees to be charged to an applicant, such as Domestic, Distance learner, Overseas fees, and so on. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Fee status group |
feeStatuses |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
financialClearances |
Sections and folders used to make up the desk structure, such as Ready for review. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
folders |
Genders classified by biological sex, such as Female. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
genders |
If, according to the person's own self-assessment, the gender identity is the same as the gender originally assigned at birth. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
genderIdentities |
Groups used to classify nationalities and the geographical locations of countries, such as Other overseas, and local education authorities, such as |
Generic |
Yes |
Not applicable |
geographicalGroups |
Qualification levels that define the highest qualification an applicant has achieved, such as |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
highestQualificationLevels |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
homeOrOversea |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
industrySectors |
Names of institutions, such as the institution teaching a |
Applications |
Yes |
institutions |
Activity types of institution committees. For example, Award calculation determines the grades that are awarded to a student based on the marks submitted to the committee. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
institutionActivities |
Committees that carry out activities on behalf of the institution, such as Assessment, progression, and awarding committee. |
Applications |
Yes |
Institution committee |
Institution activity Institution committee |
institutionCommittees |
Award levels that applicants can receive for completing an admissions |
Applications |
No |
Admissions programme |
Not applicable |
intendedAwardLevels |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
internalOrExternals |
Languages, such as languages spoken by applicants in previous education instances. For example, Hindi. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
languages |
Competency levels that define the complexity of the content of |
Applications |
Yes |
Module availability |
Not applicable |
levels |
Levels of language proficiency, such as Fluent. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
levelOfProficiencies |
Local education authorities in which |
Applications |
Yes |
Geographical group Region |
localEducationAuthorities |
Locations of the institution, such as teaching locations used for timetabling purposes. For example, Lecture theatre west. |
Generic |
Yes |
Site |
locations |
Marital statuses, such as Single. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
maritalStatuses |
If a |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
mediums |
Statuses of applicants in the duplicate matching process, such as Duplicate. |
Applicant merge |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
mergeStatuses |
Methods of |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
modes |
Applications |
Yes |
Module availability |
Level |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Level |
If the |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Competency levels for |
Applications |
Yes |
Statuses that define whether |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Statuses that define whether |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not used |
Applications |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Statuses that define if |
Applications |
No |
Applications |
Not applicable |
Module type |
Types that define the teaching or learning methods of |
Applications |
Yes |
Module |
Not applicable |
Months that define the starting month for |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
months |
National identities, based on language, culture, and ancestry or family history, such as British. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
nationalIdentities |
Legal nationalities, such as Indian. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Geographical group Region |
nationalities |
Types of relationships with next of kin, such as Parent. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
nextOfKinRelationships |
The occupational background of applicants or applicants' parents, such as Senior officials in national government. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
occupationalBackgrounds |
Competency levels for |
Applications |
Yes |
Level |
occurrences |
Mark structure for the qualifications used in offer conditions, such as Points-based grades. |
Decision making |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
offerConditionTypes |
Operators for combining offer conditions, such as And, Or, and Including. |
Decision making |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
offerElementOperators |
Statuses applied to conditions used in offers made to applicants, such as Passed. |
Decision making |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
offerElementStatuses |
Decisions and, if applicable, the offer library condition associated with the offer. |
Decision making |
Yes |
Decision profile
Decision rejection reason Offer library type Review status |
offerLibraries |
Academic conditions used in offer libraries, such as |
Decision making |
Yes |
Qualification grade collection Qualification subject collection Qualification unit subject |
offerLibraryConditions |
Review statuses used in offer libraries, such as Approved. |
Decision making |
No |
Not applicable |
offerLibraryReviewStatuses |
If the offer library can be used as a Main decision, Additional conditions, or Both main decision and additional conditions. |
Decision making |
No |
Not applicable |
offerLibraryTypes |
Review statuses of offers used in applications, such as Approved. |
Decision making |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
offerReviewStatuses |
Statuses of offers made to applicants, such as Pending. |
Decision making |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
offerStatuses |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
organisationCategories |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
organisationLinkTypes |
Types of sponsor organisations, such as Health authority. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
organisationTypes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
overseasHealthCoverDurations |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
overseasHealthCoverTypes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
parentInHigherEducations |
If the person's parents have higher education qualifications. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
parentalEducations |
Periods of study, such as Semester. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
periods |
Periods of study that define when a |
Applications |
Yes |
Period |
periodSlots |
Collections of staff, such as Chemistry reviewers that review applications to chemistry |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
personCollections |
Not used |
Not applicable |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
personSearchStatuses |
Statuses of the person or the person record, such as Live record for a person who exists, Fraudulent record for a person who doesn't exist, or Deceased. |
Person profile |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
personStatuses |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
placementProviders |
Status of a precedent request, such as Received and Requested. |
Credit transfer |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
precedentCategories |
To be defined. |
Credit transfer |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
precedentRequestStatuses |
To be defined. |
Credit transfer |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
precedentSources |
To be defined. |
Credit transfer |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
precedentStatuses |
To be defined. |
Credit transfer |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
precedentTypes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
preferredContactMethods |
Preferred gender pronouns, such as He/Him, She/Her, and so on. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
preferredGenderPronouns |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
preparationActivitySchoolYears |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
preparationActivitySponsors |
Published statuses of applications, such as Completed. |
Decision making |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
publishStatusCodes |
Details difficulty levels, subjects, marks, and grades of qualifications. |
Applications |
Yes |
Qualification collection |
qualifications |
English language test providers, such as TOEFL, and the qualification obtained from the provider, such as Test of English as a foreign language score. |
Applications |
Yes |
qualificationCollections |
Grade collections that define the mark scheme and required grades used in offer conditions, such as |
Decision making |
Yes |
qualificationGradeCollections |
Levels that define the difficulty of qualifications, such as |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
qualificationLevels |
Mark schemes that define the marks and grades for individual qualifications and collections of qualifications, such as |
Decision making |
Yes |
Not applicable |
qualificationMarkSchemes |
Status of qualifications that are resits, such as Mitigating circumstances. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
qualificationProcessStatuses |
If qualifications are Educational or Professional. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
qualificationPurposes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
qualificationRequirementStatuses |
Verification statuses of qualifications and freeform qualifications, such as Verified. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
qualificationStatuses |
Subjects that individual qualifications and collections of qualifications are achieved in, such as Biology. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
qualificationSubjects |
Subject collections that define the groups of subjects used in offer conditions, such as 3 science subjects. |
Applications |
Yes |
qualificationSubjectCollections |
Environments where qualifications are achieved, such as Academic qualification or Professional qualification. |
Applications, Decision making |
Yes |
Not applicable |
qualificationTypes |
Qualification type group. |
Credit transfer |
Yes |
Not applicable |
qualificationTypeGroups |
If the subject of an English language competency test is Listening, Reading, Speaking, or Writing. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
qualificationUnitSubjects |
Institution specific questions that applicants can be asked as part of the application process. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Question type |
questions |
Categories of questions that applicants can be asked as part of the applications process, such as Generic question. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
questionTypes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
reasonForFeeVariations |
Reasons applications were withdrawn, such as Financial reasons. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
reasonForTransfers |
Offer recommendation of an academic review, such as conditional or unconditional. |
Academic review |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
recommendationOffers |
Recommendation of an academic review such as interview, offer, or reject. |
Academic review |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
recommendationResults |
If the source of information about a school is Internal |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
recordSources |
Statuses of references in the reference request process, such as Email sent. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
referenceRequestStatuses |
Types of application references that referees can submit, such as Academic or Professional. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
referenceTypes |
If the person has refugee status. |
Person profile |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
refugeeStatuses |
Groups used to classify nationalities and the geographical location of countries, such as Overseas, and local education authorities, such as |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
regions |
Religions that classify a person's religion or the religious background a person was brought up in, such as Christian. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
religions |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
researchCouncilStudentTypes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
research |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
researchProjectTypes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
researchStudentCategories |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
residentialCategories |
Responses to offers, such as Firmly accepted. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
responses |
Combinations of subjects, ordered by major subject followed by minor subject, such as Adult nursing with mental health. Routes with subjects of equal weighting should be ordered alphabetically. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
routes |
Groups of |
Applications |
Yes |
Admissions programme |
Not applicable |
schemes |
Names of schools used in applications to define where qualifications were obtained, or to define a school as a sponsor organisation. |
Applications |
Yes |
Establishment group Record source School School type |
schools |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
schoolBoardingTypes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
schoolFifthFormBands |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
schoolFormsProcessed |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
schoolFullTimeBands |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
schoolHigherEducationBands |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
schoolLanguages |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
schoolRollBands |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
schoolSexes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
schoolSixthFormBands |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
schoolStatuses |
Types of schools where qualifications are obtained, such as Academy. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
schoolTypes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
scopeOfTeacherTraining |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
sensitiveYesOrNo |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
sensitiveDataTypes |
Statuses of applicants who are serving or have previously served in the armed forces, such as Scottish Funding Council defined service leaver. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
serviceLeavers |
Sexual orientation, such as Gay. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
sexualOrientation |
Locations of the institution, such as West building. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
site |
Socio-economic classifications of applicants or applicant's parents, such as Higher managerial and professional occupations. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
socioEconomicClasses |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
solutionsForUcasErrors |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
sourceOfInterests |
If the applicant has funding through sponsorship or work placements, and the source of funding, such as Department of health. |
Applications |
Yes |
sourceOfFundings |
Organisations that fund applicants, such as Department of health and social care. |
Applications |
Yes |
Organisation type Standard industrial classification |
sponsors |
Roles or responsibilities that are assigned to staff, such as Application processor. |
Person profile |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
staffRemits |
Types of staff members, such as Lecturer. |
Person profile |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
staffTypes |
The nature of the business of sponsor organisations, such as General medical practice activities. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
standardIndustrialClassifications |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
standardOccupationalClasss |
Offers libraries that create the entry requirements for the |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
standardOffers |
Statuses of applications in the application process, such as Active. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
statuses |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
studentFundingCategories |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
studyAreas |
Tags used to group application or person information, such as Applicant under 18. |
Tagging |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Tag entity type
Tag type |
tags |
If tags are used with Application or Person information. |
Tagging |
No |
Not applicable |
tagEntityTypes |
If tags are a Blue tag, Green tag, Red tag, or Yellow tag. |
Tagging |
No |
Not applicable |
tagTypes |
Points tariffs used to measure application points, such as UCAS. |
Applications |
No |
Not applicable |
tariffs |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
teacherEntryRoutes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
teacherQualificationAims |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
teacherTrainingIdentifiers |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
teacherTrainingMainSubjectFlags |
If a record, such as an address, is Current, Future, or Historic. |
Generic |
No |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
temporalStatuses |
Not used |
Not applicable |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
termAccommodationTypes |
Titles, such as Mr. |
Person profile |
Yes |
Not applicable |
titles |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
trueOrFalse |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
ucasCampuses |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
ucasWithdrawalReasons |
Units of measurement that define periods of study, such as Years. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
unitOfMeasurements |
Awarding and accreditation institutions for qualifications, such as |
Applications |
Yes |
validationBodies |
Not used |
Not applicable |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
verificationMethods |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
visaErrorStatuses |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
visaRequestStatuses |
Statuses of visas attached to applications, such as Accepted. |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
visaStatuses |
Types of visas that applicants can submit, such as |
Applications |
Yes |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
visaTypes |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
yesOrNo |