Details difficulty levels, subjects, marks, and grades of qualifications.
Details the following:
Unique value, such as
After saving, the value cannot be edited.
Description that is used to select the qualification, such as
The description can be translated.
Qualification type, such as
Values are defined in the reference data for Qualification type.
Qualification level, such as
Values are defined in the reference data for Qualification level.
Qualification subject, such as Health and social care.
Values are defined in the reference data for Qualification subject.
Qualification mark scheme, such as
Values are defined in the reference data for Qualification mark scheme.
Validating body for the qualification, such as
Values are defined in the reference data Validating body.
Not used.
Not used.
Not used.
Weight of the points contributed by the qualification, such as 1.0.
Code, provided by admissions agencies, that defines the qualification type and qualification level, such as GN.
Code that defines the qualification for reporting purposes
Optional. Additional information about the qualification for administrative purposes only.
Not used.
If selected, the entity or field can have the value. If cleared after the value has been selected for the entity or field, the entity or field keeps the value. However, the value is no longer available for selection.