30 September 2024

Submissions release notes

The release notes detail the new features, bugs, and known issues in release 2024.09.


The tables Features and Database maintenance detail the updates in release 2024.09.




Business impact

Affected topics


Submissions - Filter enhancement new Error Number field, Equals predicate, and bookmarking of filters

Customers, either through direct communication with the Product team, or via Support tickets have indicated that the current Error Text contains something that does not meet expectations. Symptoms include timeouts, repeated efforts to retrieve a result, building complex filters to obtain a result, and so on.

The current Error Text contains filter will be retained and a new filter field Error Number, with the criteria Equals has been made available. This will take advantage of the direct indexing of the returned error numbers and much faster and more accurate search results. The Error Text contains filter is being retained so that additional criteria can be used in support of the Error Number equals criteria. However, it is expected that the error number field should cater for the vast majority of use cases.

An additional feature provided is that the filter string is now included as an encoded portion of the URL. This provides several productivity benefits for customers, including but limited to:

  • Using native browser functionality to enable bookmarking favourite queries.

  • Sharing a bookmark using copy and paste.

  • Encoding of the filter string provides limited security. For example, a user can share the URL, but the receiving user cannot easily or obviously modify the filter string in the URL. Once pasted into the browser's address bar, the filter chips will appear in the resultant page and the user can then change the filter accordingly.

All existing errors and warnings have been migrated to new tables and new errors are populated both in the GovError field in the staging record and the new error tables. The download functionality will still download the GovError JSON object, and this is planned to be retained for the near future.

Note that an issue raised by a customer has also been resolved as part of this new error management strategy. This incident related to where TCSI was not returning the JSON field ErrorCategory in the B2G API response body. Where possible, Submissions will now examine other information around the B2G API response and set the ErrorCategory if it can, such as if Success=True, then any GovErrors are considered a warning, if Success=False, then any GovErrors are considered an error. Existing records with this state cannot be resolved without resubmitting the record to TCSI (Approve, Submit) without making changes to the record once this feature is in Production conservative.

Several issues, detailed below, were noted during testing, but were not problematic enough to stop the release of the feature.

  • When a filter is applied and the filter chips appear, the result set is displayed in the grid and the URL contains the encoded filter. If the user clicks to open a single record and closes the modal slide-in sheet, the URL no longer reflects the applied filter. The filter does remain in place, and the resulting set of records is still accurate. The workaround, if required, is to select the refresh button in the Actions panel to the right of the grid returns the filter URL if required. Do not use the browser refresh as this will not re-apply the filter URL.

  • The Bulk Approve and Unapprove record counts do not reflect the applied filter count. However, the action only approves or unapproves records that match the filter.

  • Sharing the filtered URL with another user will not always work if the user is not yet logged in, this particularly evident in the Firefox browser. Once logged in, the URL can be pasted into the browser and visited successfully.

Not applicable


Course Admissions - link to the related Student and Course

Can now easily see a Course admissions related Student or Course to improve experience, especially where the Course admissions is in error due to data in one of the related records.

To allow quick and easy navigation to related records, Submissions now has linked text where the Student or Course is populated, which opens the related record in a new window. The linked text appears in the grid and in the detail page. On selecting the link, the Course admissions page doesn't lose its place, and any filters applied to the grid remain in effect when the related record is opened.

Course admissions HEP or Course admissions VET


Add auditing to errors & warnings table storage

In order to improve audit capabilities, created on, updated on, created by and updated by fields have been added to the Errors and warnings table so that the user that triggered the changes are recorded.

Not applicable


Add additional logging for specific errors

Submissions does not log request headers, request URL, request body, response and response body in a way that can be used to support logging TCSI Support tickets. Attempts have been made to extract this information by turning on additional logging but this has also failed to provide the details TCSI Support required. Tribal needs to consider data security when logging information and the request/response body (JSON) needs to be obfuscated where applicable. Two specific errors are currently a problem 00014SYS and 00017SYS.

Additional logging when these two errors occur on a POST or a PATCH will be performed so that the appropriate details can be provided to TCSI Support. This additional logging will eventually be applied to all unexpected responses from TCSI so that Tribal can provide feedback to TCSI Support in an ongoing fashion.

It is important to note, that if the packet being set is STUDENT, the following obfuscations will occur in the logging process:

  • E314 date of birth set to xx-xx-xxxx

  • E402, E403, E404 name fields set to xxxxxx

  • E410, E469, E470, E658, E320 address fields set to xxxxxx

  • E416 TFN set to xxxxxx

  • E488 CHESSN set to xxxxxx

  • E584 Gender set to xxxxxx

Not applicable


TFN Verification permission

A new permission has been created for the Submissions area, called TFN Verification. This permission, when enabled for a role, will enable the TFN Verification button in the Student user interface.


The functionality related to this permission will be released at a future date. Administrators can prepare user roles leading up to the functionality being released.

Submissions permissions

Database maintenance



Business impact

Affected topics


Database index maintenance - Course Admissions Gov table

A new index has been added to the Course Admissions Gov table to improve performance on activities in that table.

Not applicable


Database index maintenance - Student SMS table

A new index has been added to the Student SMS table to improve performance on activities in that table.

Not applicable


Database index maintenance - Course Admissions Purge table

A new index has been added to the Course Admissions Purge table to improve performance on activities in that table.

Not applicable


Database index maintenance - Course Admissions Staging table

A new index has been added to the Course Admissions staging table to improve performance on activities in that table.

Not applicable


Database index maintenance - Student Loans SA-HELP Staging table

A new index has been added to the Student Loans SA-HELP Staging table to improve performance on activities in that table.

Not applicable


The table below details the bug fixes in release 2024.09.

Bug fixes



Business impact


HTTP 500 responses

It was reported via RemedyForce that a large number of HTTP 500 responses were being received. After investigation, it was found that a recent upgrade to .NET8 had inadvertently introduced a memory leak in Submissions GET API calls. This has been resolved after it was found that the entity model was being recreated for every call rather than creating it once and caching it. The caching implementation has been adopted and has both solved the memory leak but may also improve GET call performance.

Known issues

RTP scholarship data

Issues with historical RTP scholarship data were found to cause issues with data migration. The root cause appears to be when RTP Scholarships in HEPCAT are created against reporting periods that are then migrated to TCSI as follows:

  • Reporting period one migrated as E609: 01/01/YYYY and E610: 30/06/YYYY.

  • Reporting period two migrated as E609: 01/07/YYYY and E610: 31/12/YYYY.

Problems have been found when attempting to match student management system data to the TCSI data due to the following:

  • Submissions RTP scholarships data migration not partially matching as expected (resolved in 2021.08 under AMS 850891).

  • Major discrepancies in the way that pre-TCSI RTP scholarship data is recorded in the student management system and then sent to Submissions. For example, the student management system has one RTP scholarship with a start date of 02/04/2017 and an end date of 30/10/2019; this record covers six reporting periods and cannot easily match to any of the RTP scholarships migrated from HEPCAT to TCSI.

  • Instances where Submissions has matched incorrectly to a TCSI RTP scholarship. For example, if a UID exists against an RTP scholarship but the attempted PATCH has resulted in a 10376 or 10430 error, the match will need to be removed by the Tribal support team before any remedial work can take place on the student management system data.

Note that it is possible to re-attempt the migration of the RTP Scholarship record once the parent Course admission has already been migrated. This should only be attempted where the TCSI data matches what has been sent to Submissions by the student management system to avoid the above issues.