08 January 2025

What is admissions settings?

Admissions settings define the settings for admissions features, such as academic reviews, applicant portal, and so on, as detailed in the table Admissions settings.

Admissions settings

Admissions setting


Related information

Academic reviews

Defines whether to send emails to academic reviewers and reviewers delegated to choose academic reviewers when sending an application for review as follows:

  • Review emails notify staff selected to review applications and use the communication template Notify staff of academic review request.

  • Delegation emails notify staff delegated the task of selecting reviewers for an academic review and use the communication template Notify staff of academic review delegation.

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Defines whether agencies are included, Cc, in all correspondence with applicants except registration emails or acknowledgement emails. If CC Applicant Emails to Agency? is enabled, then send a copy of applicant emails to agency. Note that the agency shows in CC of the emails.

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Applicant portal

Defines whether applicants can defer and withdraw applications on the applicant portal as follows:

  • Deferrals: applicants can request to defer applications on the applicant portal. The response from admissions officers to deferral requests is sent to applicants using the communication template Deferral request response email.

  • Withdrawals: applicants can withdraw applications on the applicant portal.

By default, the applicant portal settings apply to all entry points. However, you can define the settings of individual entry points by editing the reference data of the entry point.

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What is withdrawal?

Communication templates

Details the communications templates, such as templates for a rejection email and a conditional offer letter. For each communications template, you can view the template name and language.

You can sync the communication templates to get the latest templates from Tribal, without changing any templates you have customised.

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Credit transfer

Defines whether to use the credit transfer method Credit transfer (New) or Credit transfer (Classic).

Precedents used with method Credit transfer (New) require an integrated student management system to provide the precedents of granted credits.

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How to set up credit transfer?

Custom attributes

Defines the custom attributes that record additional details for applicants and applications. For example, whether applicants require a parking space or whether applicants have siblings at university. Custom attributes have a type, such as a number or date.

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Duplicate match

Defines whether the duplicate match process is enabled. The duplicate match process requires integration to an external duplicate matching tool. If enabled, new applications are allocated to a Pending duplicate match desk to be checked by an external duplicate matching tool to determine if the applicant is new or a duplicate of an existing applicant or staff member.

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Defines whether to calculate the visa sponsorship status of applicants automatically based on the applicant's nationality and the application's entry point.

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Defines the permissions related to Admissions only. For example, the permissions of admissions officers that are required to use the Applications app, view applications, publish decisions, and so on.

The Settings area defines the permissions of admissions officers in admissions settings.

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Reference data

Defines the reference data for the following:

  • Applications: defines the desks, courses, entry points, offers, and so on used in applications.

  • Documents : defines the document types, such as Passport and Transcript and the file types of documents, such as PDF and JPG,

What is reference data?