01 October 2024

Admissions release notes

The release notes detail the features, bugs, and known issues in release 2024.09.


The new features in release 2024.09 are as follows:

Agent portal



Business impact

Affected topics


Advanced filters and a new summary status field

Advanced filters enhance the ability to filter applications by including every field available in the agent portal grid.

This update also introduces a single field for the application status, which replaces several fields for the application status. The previous fields captured the various statuses an application might go through or end up in as part of its journey through the admissions process. These statuses included, but were not limited to:

  • In progress

  • Conditional offer: made, accepted, or rejected

  • Unconditional offer: made, accepted, or rejected

  • Application rejected by the provider

  • Application withdrawn by the applicant

  • Application processed and sent to enrolment

  • Application record closed

Since some of these statuses can operate independently and coexist, it can make it difficult for agents to understand the current state of an application and decide on the necessary next steps. The new derived summary application status field simplifies this for agents.

What is agent portal?


Agent portal - application and applicant profile pages

New application and applicant profile pages can be accessed through the mini-info panel. Some pages are always accessible, while other pages are only available when specific tasks, such as offers, are raised against an application.

Although these pages are specific to the agent portal, they look and function similarly to the corresponding pages in the applicant portal.

This feature includes the following pages and actions that agents can perform on behalf of the applicant:

Full application details page
  • View details

  • Withdraw an application

  • Defer an application

Applicant details
  • View personal, contact, and language setting details

  • Update personal details

  • Update contact details

  • Update language settings

  • View a list of uploaded documents

  • Download documents

  • Upload documents

Offers and rejection
  • View details

  • Respond to offers

Credit offers
  • View details

  • Respond to credit offers


Administrators cannot control agents' access and permissions to the above pages and actions. This will be delivered as a separate feature in the future.

What is agent portal?


Updates to current permission structures to enable enhanced Applicant Portal and Agent Portal access control

Changes were made to the current permission structure, including moving Agent and Applicant Portal permissions under the Admissions section.

Admissions permissions

Applicant overview



Business impact

Affected topics


Applicant overview breadcrumb adjustments

Breadcrumb enhanced to include desks. Breadcrumbs has now been adjusted to desk and then application. For example, when viewing an application, the breadcrumb is .

Not applicable

Clearance checks



Business impact

Affected topics


Updated the clearance check status display in the UI

User interface and APIs now use the updated values for the clearance check status as defined in reference data. The clearance check statuses were updated in release 2024.08 as follows:

  • Not checked renamed New

  • Pending check renamed In Progress

  • Passed check renamed Passed

  • Failed check renamed Failed

  • Added new status Cancelled

What are clearance checks?




Business impact

Affected topics


Fixes to the display of Fee quotation in applicant portal

Fee quotation in applicant portal will no longer display Fee quotation charge code or quotations in draft state.

Not applicable




Business impact

Affected topics


Workflow action: Update Clearance check statuses

Workflows can now update all clearance check statuses. For example, if an application is withdrawn, update all clearance checks to cancelled

What are activities?


Workflow condition: Fee quotation

Workflows can now initiate actions using a fee quotation status. For example, to ensure the fee quotation is in complete state before publishing an offer, such as HasFeeQuotationwithStatus = "Draft", then move to a folder.

What are transitions?


Workflow condition: Set Fee quotation status

Workflows can now automate the updating of the fee quotation status when fee quotation status is set to a specific value. For example, setting from Draft to Complete.

What are activities?




Business impact

Affected topics


The URL for provisioning can now be updated.

The URL for provisioning can now be updated with or without generating the client secret.

Not applicable


The table Bug fixes details the bug fixes in release 2024.09.

Bug fixes



Business impact


Validation errors highlighted

Inline validation errors, such as The name of the quota must be unique, are highlighted in red as expected..


Unexpected error when removing Fee status fixed

Fixed issue whereby an unexpected error was appearing after removing Fee status field value.

Known issues
