17 October 2024

What are activities?

Activities run actions that move applications to desks, move applications to folders, create clearance checks, and so on. Workflows start at the initial workflow activity and end when the process reaches the final workflow activity.

Move applications from the course BA (Hons) English to the Literature and languages desk and create a clearance check for visa validation for international applications.

Activities can run multiple actions. For example, an activity that has an action to move applications to a desk followed by an action to move applications to a folder at the desk. Actions are performed in the sequence listed on the activity.

Activities have the following action types:

The actions that are available for an activity depend on the business entity of the workflow.


Actions, such as Move to desk, use reference data, such as the values of Desks. However, the action Get entity key from external key requires custom parameters. The table Actions details the actions that are available on activities, the reference data they use, if they use custom parameters, and the business entity where they are available.

Action Function Reference data Custom parameter Business entity

Add person tags

Add the selected person tag to applicants.


Not applicable


Application clearance check

Add application tags

Add the selected application tag to applications.


Not applicable


Application clearance check

Application set completion state as closed

Updates the completion state on applications to Closed. This completion state indicates the application has finished being processed in Admissions and was unsuccessful.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Application set completion state as sent to enrolment

Updates the completion state on applications to Sent to enrolment. This completion state indicates the application is ready to be sent to an external system to finish the enrolment process.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Create clearance checks

Creates the selected clearance check on application. For example, add a Valid Visa clearance check to the applications.

Clearance Check Type

Not applicable


Get entity key from external key

Gets an entity key from the database based on the entity type and an external identifier. For example, get the nursing registration of applicants.


  • Entity Type. For example, nursing registration, certificate, applicant.

  • External Key. The external key of the entity to search for. Enter a parameter.

  • Entity Key parameter [GUID]. Parameter where the matching entity key will be stored.

Not applicable



Application clearance check

Move to desk

Moves applications to the selected desk. For example, the International desk.


Not applicable


Application clearance check

Move to folder

Moves applications to the selected folder. For example, Conditional offer made.


Not applicable


Application clearance check

Remove responsible person

Removes the responsible person from applications.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Application clearance check

Set application status

Sets the application status on applications to the selected value.

If the value selected is Withdrawn, then a Reason for transfer or withdrawal needs to be selected. Reason for transfer or withdrawal must be empty for other application statuses.


Reason for transfer

Not applicable


Application clearance check

Set clearance check statuses

Sets the clearance checks to the selected clearance check status, such as In progress or Cancelled.

Clearance check status

Not applicable


Application clearance check

See fee quotation statuses

Sets the fee quotations to the selected fee quotation status, such as Complete or Expired

Fee quotation status

Not applicable


Application clearance check

Set responsible person

Sets responsible person on the application to the selected staff member.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Application clearance check

Set visa sponsorship status

Sets the visa sponsorship status of an application.


Cannot set the status to Joint sponsorship or set the status if the status is already Joint sponsorship.

Visa sponsorship status Not applicable Application

Task actions

Not used.

Task actions
Action Function Custom parameter Business entity

Create task

Creates a task. To be defined.


  • Task type. The type of task to create.

  • Task status. Status of the new task.

  • Text. Message for the task owner.

  • User. The person the task is for.

  • Due at. Date and time.

  • Store Task Id in parameter. Parameter to store the created task's identifier.

To be defined


Application clearance check

Complete task

Completes a task and assigns it a status. To be defined.


  • Task status. The status to give the completed task.

  • Task ID. The ID of the task to complete.

To be defined


Application clearance check

Document actions

Document actions are used to create document placeholders on applications. Actions to create a document placeholder need to run in the correct order on a workflow for a document placeholder to be created, as described in How to create a document placeholder.


To avoid a duplicate document placeholder being created, ensure that workflows do not create the same document placeholders as created in the reference data Clearance check type.

The table Document actions details the document actions that are available on activities, the reference data they use, if they use custom parameters, and the business entity where they are available.

Document actions
Action Function Reference data Custom parameter Business entity

Get document external entity key

Gets the external entity key for an entity type and stores it in a custom parameter.

The action needs to be run for each entity type you want to link to the document placeholder. For example, person, application, and clearance check.

Each entity requires its own String parameter. For example, applicationID, personID, and clearancecheckID.


  • Entity Type. For example, application.

  • External Entity Key Parameter [STRING]. The parameter to store the external entity key. For example, applicationID.

Not applicable



Application clearance check

Create external entity

Creates an entity key from an entity type and an external entity key and stores it in a custom parameter.

The action needs to be run for each entity you want to link to the document placeholder.

Each entity requires its own GUID parameter. For example, applicationGUID, personGUID, and clearancecheckGUID.


  • Entity Type. For example, application.

  • External Keys. Enter the STRING parameter from the Get document external entity key action for the same entity type.

    An @ symbol needs to be entered before the parameter name. For example, @applicationID.
  • Entity Key parameter [GUID]. The parameter to store the resulting entity key. For example, applicationGUID.

Not applicable



Application clearance check

Create document placeholder

Creates a document placeholder for a document type and associates the document placeholder to the entities. For example, creates a passport document placeholder in applications and links the placeholder to the applicant, the application, and the clearance check.


  • Document Type. For example, passport.

  • Document Entity Keys. Enter the GUID parameters output by the Create external entity actions for all the entities you want to link to the document placeholder.

    An @ symbol needs to be entered before the parameter name and the parameters need to be comma separated. For example, @applicationGUID, @personGuid, and @clearancecheckGUID.
  • Document Placeholder ID Parameter [INTEGER]. Parameter to store the identity of the created document placeholder.

The Document placeholder ID parameter is used with the Wait for document placeholder upload activity on the workflow.

Document Type



Application clearance check

Long running activities

The long running activities pause the workflow and wait for documents to be uploaded to applications before continuing the workflow. The table Long running document activities details the document actions that are available in long running activities, if they use custom parameters, and the business entity where they are available.

Long running document activities
Action Function Custom parameter Business entity

Wait for document placeholder upload

Wait for a document to be uploaded to applications. Document Placeholder Id, the identity of the Document placeholder, that is, to wait for a document upload. To be defined.



Application clearance check

Wait for document version upload

Wait for a new version of a document to be uploaded to applications. Document Id, the identity of the document to wait for an updated version to be uploaded. To be defined.

To be defined


Application clearance check