27 June 2024

Admissions release notes

The release notes detail the features, bugs, and known issues in release 2024.06.


The new features in release 2024.06 are as follows:

Communication templates



Business impact

Affected topics


Added fields usable with letter and email templates

Nationality (code) and nationality (at risk) attribute added to list of fields usable with letter and email templates.

What are the fields used communication templates?

Credit review - actions



Business impact

Affected topics


Credit review recommendations

There are two new types of actions Awaiting review and Review recommendation, which are detailed below.

  • Awaiting review: an application will be Awaiting review until the minimum number of recommendations have been met.

  • Review recommendation: when the minimum number of recommendations have been met and requires the admissions officer to review the recommendations.

What are academic reviews?

Credit transfer - resilience



Business impact

Affected topics


Credit transfer resilience

A number of improvements have been made to improve the resilience of the credit transfer function in relation with the rest of the software.

Not applicable

Accept or decline independent credit transfers on behalf of applicants

Two new options in the Publish credit offer button drop-down menu have been added to enable admission officers to accept or decline credit transfers on behalf of applicants after an application offer has already been accepted.

How to make credit offers

Search for modules using descriptions or codes

Can search for units looking for descriptions or codes.

How to make credit offers

Accepted credit transfers are locked

Once a credit offer has been accepted, declined, or rejected, the credit offer can't be modified or deleted. The only valid change when a credit offer has been accepted is to reject it. The vertical ellipsis Edit button has followed the current read-only pattern.

How to make credit offers

Authorising person is populated automatically

Authorising person is populated automatically and is mandatory when as follows:

  • Credit transfer is added:  the user will be populated as the authorising person automatically. This person can be changed manually if necessary.

  • Precedent match is approved: the precedent match approver will be automatically populated as the credit transfer authorising person.

Authorising person is mandatory in credit transfers so it can't be left empty.

How to make credit offers

Precedents enabled by settings

Precedent functionality enabled by credit transfer settings. Precedent functionality will only work if the Credit transfer (New) method is enabled.

How to set up credit transfer

Basis for credit is optional

Basis for credit is optional to follow the Callista pattern.

How to make credit offers

Entry point replaced by credit transfer entry point

Entry point in application is replaced with the credit transfer entry point. The application entry point will be replaced with the credit offer entry point if this is different and the applicant accepts the credit offer.

How to make credit offers

Qualification name no longer empty and qualifications not deleted from reference data

The qualification name in offer detail of credit offers is no longer empty. However, as the description field in the qualification reference data is optional, if there is no description the qualification code is used.

Qualifications can't be deleted when used in a credit transfer. If a qualification is being used in a credit transfer, it won't be deleted from the reference data.

How to make credit offers

Unpublish and reset, and remove, reset credit offers.

When unpublishing and resetting an application, all granted credit offers will be reset. Removing responses will have the same effect.

How to unpublish decisions

Changes not allowed on out-of-date credit transfers

If a credit transfer has changed but the application is still displaying an old version, an error will be displayed when the admission officer updates the credit transfer. Upon closing the error, the credit transfer will be updated with up-to-date information.

Not applicable

Precedent dates validation changes

Precedent dates validation changes:

  • Validations have been added to precedent dates.

  • Precedent end date cannot be before the precedent start date.

  • Precedent validity end date cannot be before the precedent validity start date.

Not applicable

Automatic population of institution

Automatic population functionality added to the credit offer institution field.

In the credit offer slide-in, when the met-by applicant qualification form-field is populated as follows:

  • If the institution field is currently empty, its contents will be updated with the institution value from the qualification.

  • If the qualification field has no linked institution, the institution field will be left empty.

How to make credit offers




Business impact

Affected topics


Focused permissions

Admissions settings now includes a focussed view of Admissions-related permissions. This means that you do not need to see permissions related to products other than Tribal Admissions.

What are permissions?


Global permissions

A new icon global Global button on the system admin permissions screen allows system administrators to create system-wide roles and role assignments.

What is authorisation?


Custom attributes permission

Manage Custom Attributes permission moved from Admin to Settings to reflect where the page lives in relation to the site.

What are permissions - Settings?

Visa sponsorship



Business impact

Affected topics


CAS requests reference data available in Visa sponsorship settings

Can now view the reference data used for CAS requests within a new Reference data area in the Visa sponsorship settings. Reference data attributes include Academic level and English language level attained, among others.

Users need the permission Reference data - View and UK Visa sponsorship settings - View to view the reference data.

Visa sponsorship settings


Abandon CAS requests

Can now abandon CAS requests within the Visa sponsorship app. A new Abandon CAS request option is available for CAS requests, which when used, will update the CAS request status to Abandoned and move the request to an Abandoned folder on the CAS requests page. Users need the permission UK Visa Sponsorship - Abandon CAS to abandon CAS requests.

How to process CAS requests


CAS export or import file failure reasons

Can now see the reasons a CAS export or import file failed to either create or import. On the CAS export files and CAS import files pages within the Visa sponsorship app, for files which either failed to create or failed to import, users will be able to see the reason for that failure.

CAS export files

CAS import files


CAS export limited to 500 CAS requests

The number of CAS requests that can be included in a CAS export file has been limited to 500 CAS requests.

What is Visa sponsorship?


The table below details the bug fixes in release 2024.06.

Bug fixes



Business impact


Qualifications can't be deleted when used in a credit transfer

Qualifications can't be deleted when used in a credit transfer.


Renamed parameter in Visa sponsorship summary integration APIs

The visasponsorshipsummaryidentifier parameter in the Visa sponsorship summary integration GET APIs has been renamed to requestIdentifier.


CAS import files page shows name of import file

The Filename which appears in the CAS import files page within the Visa sponsorship app shows the name of the file the user uploaded.


Reference data incorrectly shown after trying to access the Communication templates in the Admissions settings

An issue where the Applications reference data within the Admissions settings was being incorrectly shown to users trying to access another menu item in the settings area, such as the Communications templates area, has been resolved.

Known issues
