24 October 2022

UCAS decision export and response import

Decision making for UCAS applications exports decisions to UCAS. Applicant responses to decisions need to be imported from UCAS.

Export decisions to UCAS

The table Export to UCAS details when decisions are exported to UCAS.

Export to UCAS



Related topic

Publish a decision

On publishing a decision for a UCAS application, the decision is validated against the UCAS rules and then exported to UCAS. Therefore, if a decision has been successfully published, the decision has also been exported to UCAS without error.

How to make decisions

Change a decision

After publishing a decision, you can change the decision by unpublishing and then resetting the decision. However, UCAS does not have a concept of resetting a decision. Therefore, you must make and publish a new decision for the original decision to be changed in UCAS.

On resetting a decision, a warning message informs that the application state does not match UCAS and that an alternative decision should be made and published to UCAS as soon as possible.

How to unpublish decisions

Withdraw an application

On withdrawing an application, the application status is changed to Withdrawn (W) and validated against UCAS rules before export to UCAS.

How to withdraw application

Re-instate a withdrawn application

On re-instating a withdrawn application, the application status has to be changed from Withdrawn (W) to Active (A). On changing the application status, a message prompts for an alternative decision to be made and published as soon as possible as the application state does not match the UCAS state.

Not applicable

Change the programme of an application

Changing the programme of an application is allowed unless the application status means that the course cannot be changed at UCAS, in which case the option to a change the course is not enabled.

How to make decisions

Delay confirmation

On delaying confirmation, a delayed confirmation (DCF) type decision is exported to UCAS.

How to make decisions

Import applicant responses from UCAS

Applicant responses to decisions in UCAS need to be imported. Importing applications with responses in UCAS loads the responses and triggers any workflows related to decision response. For more information, go to How to import applications from UCAS.