10 March 2025

Admissions release notes

The release notes detail the features, bugs, and known issues in release 2025.02.


The new features in release 2025.02 are as follows:




Business impact

Affected topics


Confirmation: View confirmation applications

Admission officers can see all applications that require a confirmation decision in a grid format. Admissions officers can use the available filters on faculty, department, programme, response, entry system, and decision status to filter down to a specific number of applications. Admissions officers can access a confirmation record, which contains a breakdown of the offer, qualifications, and clearance checks.

What is confirmation?


Confirmation: Confirming a application

Admissions officers can confirm an application in the confirmation grid. Admissions officers can also bulk confirm applications.

What is academic reviews?


Confirmation reviews

Admissions officers can send an application for confirmation review via the confirmation grid. There is a new section in the academic review area that contains the confirmation review applications to be reviewed.

How to confirm decisions


Confirmation: Delayed confirmation

Admissions officers can send a delayed confirmation with a reason prescribed by UCAS via the confirmation grid. The applicant overview has also been enhanced to allow the admissions officers to send a delayed decision reasoning.

How to confirm decisions


Confirmation: Overriding a decision

If a decision status is Passed, Pending, or Failed, admissions officers can override the decision. For example, override the status as follows:

  • Pending to Passed

  • Pending to Failed

  • Failed to Passed

  • Failed to Pending

  • Passed to Pending

  • Passed to Failed

This action can be completed via the confirmation grid and confirmation record. Admissions officers can also override decisions in bulk.

How to force the decision status


Confirmation: Display error for bulk applications

Enhancement to confirmation slide-in sheet to display multiple errors at once when the user has submitted confirmation decisions in bulk.

Not applicable


Confirmation: UI - Override pop-up update

When an admissions officer with the correct permissions overrides a decision on the confirmation screen, a pop-up in the user interface will display where there are multiple successes and failures. The failures section is expandable and will show the relevant failure reasons.

Applications that have failed the override decision will be indicated with an error icon in the grid. When the admissions officer clicks on the error icon, an event log will appear to inform why this action has failed.

How to force the decision status




Business impact

Affected topics


CAS available banner in applicant portal

Applicants know when their CAS is available by a new banner on the applicant portal homepage.

Not applicable

Person profile



Business impact

Affected topics


Residential category / Citizenship type available in Applicant portal profile

Applicants can now view their residential category in the profile area of their applicant portal. For applicants with their language preference set to English - Australian, the field reads Citizenship type. The Residential category field is no longer shown in the Immigration section when viewing their full application.

Not applicable


Residential category or Citizenship type available in person profile

Residential category can now be seen on the Community & Nationality tab of the person profile. For admissions officers with their language preference set to English - Australian, the field reads Citizenship type. The Residential category field is no longer shown in the Identity & Immigration tab in the applicant overview.

Person profile




Business impact

Affected topics


Updates to Qualifications in Education & Experience

The Qualifications section on the Education & Experience tab in the applicant overview has been updated to display the application's qualifications in a grid.

What are qualifications?

Integration APIs



Business impact

Affected topics


Updates to Person sensitive characteristics integration APIs

Third-parties can GET, POST, and PUT a person's residential category / citizenship type via a new residentialCategoryCode property available in the preview version of the person sensitive characteristics integration APIs.

API catalogue


Updates to People lookup GET integration API

When the preview version of the People lookup GET integration API is called the following properties are now included in the response:

  • mergeStatusCode

  • contactEmail

  • internalstaffcode

  • identityClaimIdentifier

  • applicantIdentifier

API catalogue


There are no bug fixes in release 2025.02.

Known issues
