06 March 2025

What is confirmation?

Confirmation enables admissions officers to confirm decisions for direct applications or UCAS applications that have firmly accepted offers or insurance-accepted offers. Applications have a decision status, such as Passed, which is calculated automatically when the qualifications are received. Admissions officers can send applications for confirmation review. On confirming decisions, admissions officers can delay confirmation and change the programme of the offer.

Admissions officers require the permission Confirm decisions - Edit to confirm decisions and override decisions.


Confirmation enables admissions officers to confirm decisions for direct applications and UCAS applications. Confirmation displays all applications that have been firmly accepted or insurance accepted. Therefore, admissions officers can filter the applications to view only the applications that they need to process. For example, admissions officers can filter applications by department and programme.

Applications for confirmation have the decision status Pending until their qualifications are set to received. Admissions officers set qualifications to received after verifying the qualifications. For UCAS applications, qualifications are set to received and verified automatically on receiving the results from UCAS.


Admissions officers can undo setting qualifications to received by setting the qualifications to pending. Setting qualifications to pending is also done when decisions are unpublished and reset. Setting qualifications to pending is done automatically for UCAS applications.

Then, once applications have been set to qualifications received, the decision status of applications is calculated automatically based on their actual results as follows:

  • Passed: the application has met the conditions of the offer.

  • Failed: the application has received all qualifications but has not met the offer conditions.

However, the decision status remains Pending if:

  • Not all qualifications have been received. For example, a qualification was added after the application was to qualifications received.

  • Clearance checks are outstanding.

The image Confirmation shows the applications for confirmation that have been firmly accepted. Admissions officers can use the filters to show only the applications of interest. For example, the applications for the selected programme. For each application, admissions officers can view the confirmation record.

Image showing the confirmation page

However, admissions officers can override the calculated decision by forcing the decision status from Pending to Passed, from Failed to Pending, and so on. For example, a confirmation review recommends making an offer to an application with the status Pending so admissions officers force the decision status to Passed.

On forcing the decision status, a pop-up informs admissions officers on the number of applications that were forced to the new decision status successfully and the number that failed. Applications were the force decision failed are highlighted with an error icon in the grid. Then, selecting the error icon displays the event log with details for the failure.

After overriding the calculated decision status, admissions officers can allow the automatic recalculation of the decision status again.

Confirmation record

For each application for confirmation, admissions officers can view the confirmation record. Admissions officers viewing the confirmation record can also change the decision status if manual override is enabled. The confirmation record details the application's programme, main decision, additional conditions, fee status, and so on. The confirmation also details the status of the qualifications and clearance checks. For example, the confirmation record details whether the qualifications have met the offer conditions and have been verified.

The image Confirmation record – Qualifications shows that the applicant's qualifications have met the offer conditions and have been verified.

Confirmation record – Qualifications
Image showing the confirmation page

Confirmation review

Admissions officers can send applications for confirmation review before confirming decisions. For example, an admissions officers has doubts about the qualifications so sends the application for review.

For confirmation reviews, academic staff are invited to review applications and make recommendations. Academic staff use the Academic Reviews app to review applications and make recommendations. Admissions officers can view recommendations on Review tab of the application overview as follows:

  • Offer: unconditional offer.

  • Alternative: unconditional offer for an alternative programme.

  • Reject: reject the application.

For more information, go to What are academic reviews?

Confirm decisions

Admissions officers can confirm decisions for individual applications and multiple applications using bulk actions.

On confirming decisions, admissions officers have options for the following:

Delay confirmation

For UCAS applications, admissions officers can delay confirmation by setting reasons defined by UCAS, such as GCSE results missing, and add instructions for the applicant to resolve the issue, such as Please upload GCSE results. A decision must be sent prior to the Declined by default date, otherwise the application is declined.

Change programme

Change the programme. For example, a confirmation review recommends making an offer to an alternative programme.

On confirming decisions, confirmed applications are removed from the applications in the confirmation view and the published status of the applications is set to Confirmed. However, for applications with delayed confirmation, the application remains in confirmation view with the value Yes in the column Delay confirmation. Admissions officers can view the delayed confirmation details on the confirmation record.

Confirmation can be undone when decisions are unpublished and reset. For more information, go to What is Decision making and offer tracking?


The video Confirmation shows how admissions officers process applications for confirmation and confirm decisions.
