04 March 2025

How to confirm decisions

Confirm decisions for applications that have firmly accepted their offers or have accepted offers as insurance. The actions for confirming decisions are as follows:

Set applications to qualifications received

Applications in confirmation have the decision status Pending until the applications are set to qualifications received. UCAS applications are set to qualifications received automatically when the results are received from UCAS..

Set applications to qualifications to received as follows:

  1. On the desk's lists of applications, filter the list of applications to view the application of interest.

  2. On the Education and Experience tab, check the applicant's qualifications and then set to Verification switchVerified.

  3. On the application, select Set to qualifications received. In the slide-in, check that the qualifications to set to received are correct and then select Set to received.

    The application is then available in Confirmation, where you can view the decision status and confirm the decision.


If required, after setting an application to qualifications received, you can set the qualifications to pending. On the application, select Set to qualifications pending. Setting qualifications to pending is done automatically for UCAS applications.

Force the decision status

By default, the decision status is calculated automatically. However, you can force the decision status.

Force the decision status as follows:

  1. On Confirmation, find the applications of interest.

  2. Force the decision status as follows:

    • For an individual applicant, go to the view options button and then select  Force to passed,  Force to failed, or  Force to pending as required.

    • For up to 50 applicants, select up the applications to open the bulk actions toolbar and then select Bulk actionsand then Force to passed (n),   Force to failed (n), or Force to pending (n) as required, where n is the number of applications to force.

  3. In the force to decision status dialog, check that the applications to force are correct and then select Force to passed (n), Force to failed (n), or Force to pending (n), where n is the number of applications to force.


After forcing the decision, you can allow the automatic recalculation of the decision status. Follow the steps for Force the decision status and then select Allow automatic recalculation.

Start a confirmation review

If unsure about an application, you can start a confirmation review before confirming the decision as follows:

  1. On Confirmation, filter the list of applications to find the application for a confirmation review.

  2. Start a confirmation review. For the application that requires a review, go to the view options button and then select  Start confirmation review.

  3. Select the reviewer. In the slide-in Reviewer selection, choose at least one person to review the application. Optionally, change the deadline for recommendations and add a note to the reviewers with why you are sending this application for review. Then, select Send to reviewers.

View the recommendations as follows:

  1. For the application sent for review, select Review application to open the application and on the Reviews tab, check the status of the review as detailed the table Confirmation review.

    Confirmation review
    Status Description
    Awaiting Waiting for the recommendation
    Offer Recommends an unconditional offer.
    Alternative Recommends an unconditional for an alternative programme.
    Reject Recommends rejecting the application.
  2. Select a review to view the full details of the recommendation, including the reason for the recommendation, such as The grades of this applicant are acceptable.

Confirm decisions

For applications that have been to qualifications received and have the decision status Passed or Failed, you can confirm the decisions. If required, you can force the decision status of applications. You can also view the confirmation record of an application before confirming the decision.

On confirming decisions, you can delay confirmation if there are issues with applications, such as missing GCSEs. You can also change the programme if, for example, a confirmation review recommends an alternative programme.


You can only delay confirmation and change the programme for individual applications.

Confirm decisions as follows:

  1. On Confirmation, filter the application to view the applications to confirm. For example, filter the list of applications that you are processing to show applications with the response Firmly accepted.

  2. Optionally, view the confirmation record. For the application of interest, go to the view options button and then select  View confirmation record.

  3. Confirm the decisions as follows:

    • For an individual applicant, go to the view options button and then select  Confirm decision.

    • For up to 50 applicants, select selection checkbox checked icon the applications to open the bulk actions toolbar and then select Confirm decisions (n), where n is the number of applications to confirm decisions.

  4. In the slide-in Confirm decision, check that the applications to confirm are correct and then, optionally, choose to:

    Delay confirmation

    For UCAS applications only. Select the Delayed decision reasons, such as Missing GCSE and Missing foundation and then enter the Applicant instructions with instructions to resolve the issues, such as Please upload GCSE results.

    Programme change before confirmation?

    Define the Programmedetails and Programme dates.

    Then, select Confirm decision. The application is then removed from the Confirmation page and the published status is set to Confirmed.