How to set up the integration with UCAS
Set up the integration with UCAS as follows:
Ensure that you have the required information from UCAS, permissions, desks, and applications statuses as defined by the pre-requisites.
Import an application to make sure the setup is correct and then import all applications
Before you start the setup, complete the following:
UCAS endpoints and reference data cycles
The connection to UCAS requires the following:
A UCAS account for the institution and the institution's UCAS code.
A UCAS endpoint and reference data cycle as detailed in the table UCAS endpoint and reference data cycle. You can change the endpoint to import test data into a pre-production environment and increment the reference data cycle to begin importing the data for the next admissions cycle.
UCAS endpoint and reference data cycle Field Description Endpoint
URL of the UCAS endpoint.
Reference data cycle
Year of the reference data cycle to be imported, such as
The setup requires permissions for Admissions settings and System admin as defined in the table Setup tasks and required permissions. For more information on permissions, go to What is authorisation?
Tasks | Authorisation area | Permission |
Set up the integration with UCAS |
Web Apps area Edge Admin |
Use application |
Integrations area UCAS |
UCAS – View and UCAS Settings - Edit |
Import from UCAS |
Web Apps area Integration |
Use application |
Integrations area UCAS |
UCAS Import – Run |
Integrations area Events and Errors |
Application Errors – View and Application Errors – Edit |
Set up the required reference data |
Web Apps area Reference Data |
Use application |
Reference area Data |
Reference Data – View and Reference Data – Edit |
Check applications have been imported |
Web Apps area Applications |
Use application |
Admissions area Applications |
Desk-based processing defines the permissions at desks. For more information, go to the section Desk-based processing in What is authorisation? |
Desks and applications statuses
The import of applications from UCAS requires the following reference data:
- Desks
The reference data Desks requires the default desks and the desks for processing applications with appropriate folder structures. For more information, go to What are desks? The desk that processes an applications depends on the Entry point of the programme, which is defined in the section Set up the required reference data for applications.
- Application statuses
The reference data Application status must have the status Active, with the code A, and the status Withdrawn, with the code W. For more information on the reference data for application statuses, go to Statuses - Edit.
Connect to UCAS
Connect to UCAS as follows:
On System admin, go to Integrations and then UCAS tab and then UCAS integration. Then, select and enter the details as described in the table UCAS connection details.
Details | Example |
Endpoint |
Reference data cycle |
Add the UCAS account: go to System admin and then Integrations and then UCAS tab and then UCAS accounts. Then, select and add an account as follows:
Username and password of the UCAS account.
Institution code, such as H99 for the University of Hessle.
Test the connection to UCAS: go to System admin and then Integrations and then UCAS tab and then UCAS accounts, and then select .
Import reference data
Import reference data from UCAS. For more information, go to What reference data is imported from UCAS? Import the reference data as follows:
Import the UCAS reference data. On Applications, go to Integrations and then Imports and then Reference data and then select Import new and updated. For more information, go to How to import from UCAS.
Wait while the reference data is imported, which may take a while as you are importing all the reference data provided by UCAS.
Check for errors when the import is complete. On Applications, go to Integrations and then Applications and then select UCAS import from Error type. Errors should be resolved before continuing with the setup. For more information, go to How to view application errors.
Set up the required reference data for applications
Set up and match the UCAS course structure so that the applications can be imported onto the correct entry point and course. The following tables must be created with the specified data fields matching the UCAS data. On Admissions settings. go to Reference Data and then Applications and then add the required values as follows:
Set up the reference data as detailed in the table Reference data. You must ensure that each admissions programme, academic year, month, and block have values that map to the course codes, year of entry, months, and points of entries used with UCAS applicant choices.
Reference data Reference data Field Value UCAS applicant choice Admissions programme
Admissions agency course code
UCAS course code
Course code
Academic year
Four-digit year
Year of entry
Year of entry
Month of entry
Month of entry
Point of Entry
Point of entry
Set up the reference data for the entry points using values defined in step 1.
Entry point Field name Value UCAS applicant choice Admissions programme
Admissions programme with the Admissions agency course code set to the correct UCAS course code.
Course code
Academic year
Academic year with the correct four-digit year for the year of entry.
Year of entry
Block that matches the point of entry code.
Point of entry
Desk for processing the applications. If the desk is not defined, applications are allocated to the unallocated desk.
Not applicable
Month of entry
Month code that matches the month of entry code.
Month of entry
UCAS campus
UCAS Campus code, which must match the UCAS campus code so should be left empty if the UCAS campus code is blank.
Set up the reference data as detailed in the table Highest qualification level.
Highest qualification level Reference data Field name Value UCAS attribute Highest qualification levels
Highest attained qualification QUALENT3 level (HIQA)
Matched to the UCAS applicant detail HIQA Records should be created the HESA QUALENT3 data. For more information, go to Fields required from institutions in All fields Highest qualification on entry.
Set up the required reference data for qualifications
Set up the reference data for the qualifications and related reference data such, as mark schemes. The Qualification mark scheme is the link between Qualifications and Mark Schemes which are used to match UCAS provided Exam Level Codes and Grades.
On Admissions settings, go to Reference Data and then Applications and then add the required values as follows:
Reference data | Field name | Value | UCAS applicant result |
Qualifications |
Exam level |
Exam level code defined by UCAS. For example, A for A level and BR for BTEC Level 3 Diploma. |
Exam level code |
Qualifications |
Qualification mark scheme |
Mark scheme of the qualification. For example, a Qualification mark scheme of AL for A level. |
Not applicable |
Qualification mark scheme |
Elements and then Code |
Grade that must be from the mark scheme defined in the qualification. For example, a grade B from the A level mark scheme. |
Grade |
Qualification subject |
ABL subject |
Subject name used by the awarding body, such as biology. |
UCAS subject name |
Validating body |
Code |
Awarding body that verified the qualification, such as OCR. |
Pseudo code |
Academic year |
Four-digit year |
Year of result or qualification obtained. Note that the academic year is used in combination with the Sitting. Summer (S) sittings are seen as part of the year before. For example, a 2021 summer result looks for a 2020 academic year. |
Year and Sitting |
Import applications from UCAS
Import a single application to check for issues, which requires the UCAS personal ID of an application, and then import all applications.
Import an application as follows:
On Applications, go to Integrations and then Imports and then UCAS and thenApplications and thenapplications import options menu button ⋮, and then select
Import applicant.
You must define the UCAS personal ID, institution code, and, optionally, the application scheme code.
Check for errors when the application is imported. On Integrations, go to Applications and then select UCAS import from Error type. Errors should be resolved before importing applications. For more information, go to How to view application errors.
If, for example an entry point cannot be found for the application, an error is logged. The error details the fields and values that the process has tried to match. If you get this error, ensure that the required reference data is correct and that the required values match the values shown in the error log. -
Check that the application has been imported. For example, view the application in the applications list.
Import all applications as follows:
On Applications, go to Integrations and then Imports and then UCAS and then Applications and thenapplications import options menu button ⋮, and then select
Import all new and updated UCAS records.
Wait while the applications are imported, which may take a while as you are importing all the applications provided by UCAS.
Check for errors when the import is complete. On Integrations, go to Applications and then select UCAS import from Error type. For more information, go to How to view application errors.