31 October 2023

What are pending applications?

Pending applications are applications that are transferred through integrations not setup in Admissions, such as Callista, that are not ready to be processed in Admissions. For example, an application that has outstanding references.

Applications that are transferred through integrations not setup in Admissions have the following completion states:

Applications with a completion state of Received are allocated to desks by entry points for courses. If no entry point is defined, the applications are allocated to the Unallocated applications desk.
Applications with a completion state of Pending are not complete and are allocated to the Pending applications desk. If no pending applications desk is defined, applications are allocated to the desk defined by the entry point for the course.
Attention. The Pending applications desk and mandatory folder are created using the create default desks and folder option in the reference data Desk.

When a pending application is complete, that is any missing information has been transferred or the application can be processed without the missing information, the application must be marked as received. Applications are marked as received automatically, as part of the application transfer process, or manually, on the application overview.

Marking an application as received changes the completion state to Received. Then, the application is allocated to the desk defined by the entry point of the course.