What are fee quotations?
Fee quotations can be created manually or by a third-party finance system. Fee quotations are detailed on the Finance tab of applications. You require permissions to view and add or request a new fee quotation from the third-party finance system. Fee quotations can be included in the communication templates of offers.
Applicants have a fee status that determines fees applicable to applicants, such as the tuition fees for domestic and overseas students. Fee quotations are requested automatically from a third-party finance system when the fee status of applications is set or changed. A banner on applications alerts that a fee quote has been requested. For example, the banner shown below alerts that a fee quote has been requested and the reason for the request.
A new fee quote has been requested due to Fee status set on 05/12/2023 10:30
To ensure that fee quotations are up to date, a new fee quotation is requested automatically when there is a change of course, change of attendance mode, and other related changes to the application.
Fee quotations consist of a quote total and the quote composition. The quote composition consists of fee quotation charges such as the tuition fees, accommodation, and so on. Fee quotation charges can have negative values for discounts. The fee quotation charges depend on the fee status of the applicant and the programme of the application. The fee status defines fees applied to applicants. For example, the tuition fees for domestic applicants, overseas applicants, distance learners, and so on. The values for the fee status and the fee quotation charges are defined in the reference data for applications.
Fee quotations have a status, such as Draft, Completed, or Expired, together with the date and time the status changed, such as Completed 14/02/2023 (15:08). Applications can only have one draft and one completed fee quotation at any time. Once a fee quotation is set to completed, any fee quotations that were previously set to complete are automatically set to expired.
Admissions with the required permissions can add fee quotations manually. Admissions officers add fee quotations charges to compose the fee quotation. Admissions officers can set the fee quotation to Draft while composing the fee quotation and to Completed when finished.
For example, the image Fee quotation shows a fee quotation for a domestic student's tuition fees and first-year accommodation.
The fee status of the applicant and quote total can be added to communication templates, such as the communication templates for offer letters. The field for the fee status %%ApplicantFeeStatusFullName%%
and the field for the quote total is %%FeeStatusQuoteTotal%%
Third-party finance systems must be integrated using the integration APIs Fee quotations, which are available in Applications under the Admissions category. For more information, go to the API catalogue.