29 November 2024

What are communications templates?

Attention. You can sync templates to get the latest communication templates from Tribal. Note that syncing templates does not change customised templates.

Communications templates are used in formal communications with applicants, such as emails to reject applications and letters for conditional offers, letters are PDF documents. Emails have separate templates for the email subject and the body of the email. The Communications tab of an application details all communications that have been sent to the applicant, such as emails and offer letters. If a problem stops an email being sent, such as the communication failed to generate, you can retry sending the communication. For an example on how to use Power Automate, go to Example – Localise communications.

Communication templates can be localised so that applicants receive communication, such as offer letters, in their preferred language. In addition to the main body of text of the communication templates, the Tribal connector for Power Automate enables the values of fields used the communications templates, such as OfferText, to be localised.

The table Actions and communication templates details the actions that result in the templates being used to generate communications with applicants, the outcome, and whether the communication is sent automatically or manually to the applicant.

Actions and communication templates
Action Communication templates Sent Outcome

Agent created

Agent portal registration


Email sent to the agent's email address with an invitation message to create an account for the agent portal. For more information, go What are agencies?

Applicant uploads a document that has a virus

Applicant document virus found


Email sent to the applicant's preferred email address.

Application received from existing applicant

Application acknowledgement


Email sent to the applicant's preferred email address.

Application received from new applicant

Applicant portal registration


Email sent to the applicant's preferred email address.

Create applicant task to upload a document

Applicant document upload task


Email sent to the applicant's preferred email address.

Task added on the applicant portal.

Publish decision for a conditional offer

Offer email

Conditional offer letter


Email sent to the applicant's preferred email address.

PDF of the conditional offer letter is created and made available to the applicant on the applicant portal.

Publish decision for a rejection

Rejection email


Email sent to the applicant's preferred email address.

Publish decision for an unconditional offer

Offer email

Unconditional offer letter


Email sent to the applicant's preferred email address.

PDF of the unconditional offer letter is created and made available to the applicant on the applicant portal.

Publish a credit offer

Credit offer email


Email sent to the applicant's preferred email address.

Programme cancellation or change

Programme cancellation

Programme change


Email sent to the applicant's preferred email address.


You must edit the programme cancellation or change template for each programme change or cancellation. For more information, go to How to change or cancel a programme.

Response to a deferral request

Deferral request response


Email sent to the applicant's preferred email.


You must edit the template to add the content for each deferral.

Send CAS number

CAS number


Document with applicant's CAS number available in the applicant portal.

Send CAS number available CAS number available Automatically Email sent to the applicant's preferred email address informing that their CAS number is available.

Shortlist applications

Application shortlisted


Email sent to the applicant's preferred email address.

Start academic review for delegation

Notify staff of academic review delegation


Email sent to the selected staff member to choose the academic reviewers.

Start academic review for application review

Notify staff of academic review request


Email sent to the selected academic reviewers.

Start credit review

Notify staff of credit review request


Email sent to the selected academic reviewers.

Templates are HTML documents with static content and dynamic content, such as the applicant's name, address, programme, and so on. Dynamic content is added when, for example, decisions are published. Templates use inline CSS to define fonts, font size, colours, and so on, and can also include images, such as the logo of your institution.

Templates use the Liquid template language for the dynamic content. For more information on Liquid, go to Liquid Introduction. The Liquid template language defines the dynamic content and the logic to display content as follows:

Custom field are Liquid objects represent variables that define the dynamic content to display. Objects are enclosed in double curly braces, such as {{content}}. For example, the object {{ApplicantReferenceNumber}} displays the applicant's reference number. For more information, go to What are the fields used in communication templates?
Use filters to avoid potential cross-site scripting (XSS) when using Liquid objects to read data that cannot be trusted data, such as data provided by applicants.

For example, for the object {{ ApplicantAddress1 }} use {{ ApplicantAddress1 | escape }} or {{ ApplicantAddress1 | strip_html}}

For more information, go to escape or strip_html on the Liquid website.

Tags define the logic and flow in templates. Tags have a curly brace and percentage delimiter, such as {% and %}. Tags to control the flow can use the if condition to decide whether text is displayed.
For example, the tag below checks whether the applicant has a UCAS student reference number. If true, the UCAS student reference is displayed. If false, the line is left blank.
{% if UcasStudentReferenceNumber -%}UCAS student reference number: {{UcasStudentReferenceNumber}}{%- endif %}

The image Template viewed in a browser shows a template for an email to reject an application when opened in a web browser. The template has Liquid objects for the applicant's reference number, program title, and institution name.

Template viewed in a browser
HTML template for an email to reject an application

Templates have English and Welsh language versions. The English language version of templates are the default templates for applicant communications. The Welsh language version of the templates are used when an applicant's preferred language for communications is Welsh. Applicants preferred language for communications is recorded on the applicant profile.

Communication templates have the following permissions in the authorisation area Communications:

Permissions define whether users can view or manage communications configuration and templates.
Permissions define whether users can view or manage communications settings.