28 February 2024

What are clearance checks?

Clearance checks ensure that applicants meet specific entry requirements. Clearance checks have categories that define whether the clearance check can be used for personalised offers. Clearance checks can have document placeholders to allow applicants to upload evidence to pass the clearance check. Applicants must pass mandatory clearance checks for their applications to progress. However, outstanding clearance checks may need to be processed as part of the enrolment process.

Clearance checks can ensure that applicants have proficiency in English, have supplied references, passed an interview, have a valid visa, and so on.


Clearance checks have a category, such as whether the clearance check requires evidence for a conditional offer or is internal for admissions staff.


The category of a clearance check cannot be changed.

The table Clearance check categories describes the categories and whether they are shown on the applicant portal.

Clearance check categories
Category Description Applicant portal

Conditional offer evidence

Clearance checks with the category Conditional offer evidence define checks that require that documents are uploaded as evidence to meet the requirements of a conditional offer. For example, to upload copies of qualifications. Documents are uploaded with document placeholders. Therefore, you need to define the document placeholder to create for the clearance check, such as document placeholder to upload qualifications.


The document place holder to create GeneralOfferEvidence is used to upload general offer evidence.

Conditional offer evidence clearance checks can also be used to define personalised offers. For more information, go to What are personalised offers?


Other evidence

Other evidence clearance checks define checks that require that documents are uploaded as evidence for requirements that are not part of conditional offers. For example, to upload evidence of their vaccination status.



Internal clearance checks define checks related to the application that do not require action or evidence from applicants.



Not used. The category Unknown was the default category for clearance checks when categories were first added. All clearance checks should now have a suitable category. If not, you must add clearance checks to replace the clearance checks with the category Unknown.



Clearance checks that require that documents are uploaded as evidence, such as clearance checks with the categories Conditional offer evidence or Other evidence, have document placeholders. For more information on document placeholders and documents, go to What are documents? Clearance checks that require evidence have an evidence status as follows:

Awaiting evidence
The clearance check is waiting for documents to be uploaded.
Review required
Documents have been uploaded and are waiting to be checked.
Completed review
The documents have been reviewed and the clearance check set to Passed or Failed.

Clearance checks with an evidence status Awaiting evidence and Review required can be viewed in the actions of each desk. For more information on actions, go to What are actions?

The image Clearance check document details a clearance check that has one document uploaded and a document placeholder with a task to upload a replacement document.

Clearance check document
Clearance check document placeholder


Clearance checks are added to applications as follows:

  • Automatically when applications are created, such as a clearance check with the category Other evidence that asks for proof of right to study. The option to add clearance checks automatically when applications are created is set by the option Required in the reference data Clearance check type.

  • Automatically when decisions with non-academic conditions are submitted. Clearance checks added when decisions are submitted have the label Offer condition.

  • Manually when processing applications. For example, to add an additional clearance check or to create personalised offer evidence for a conditional offer. Only clearance checks with the category Conditional offer evidence can be used for personalised offer evidence.

After accepting an offer, the applicant fails the conditions of the offer. Therefore, an admissions officer adds the clearance check Assess for lower offer to the application before assessing the application and passes the clearance check. The applicant is then given an unconditional offer.

For each application, the number of pending and failed clearance checks, which prevent the application from progressing, are shown by the number highlighted in red Clearance checks with two failed or pending checks next to the tab title. You can then do the following:

  • View the number of clearance checks that are passed, failed, in progress, and so on, as grouped by their status.

  • Filter the clearance checks by Category, Evidence, Documents, Status, whether is Used in offer condition, and the Required by date.

For each clearance check, you can view the information and the perform actions detailed in the table Clearance check views depending on the clearance check view.

Clearance check views
View Information Actions


Information in the collapsed view:

  • Name and category of the clearance check, such as Conditional offer evidence. If the clearance check was added automatically when submitting a decision, the clearance check is labelled Offer condition.

  • Required by date.

  • Number of documents upload to the clearance check Paperclip icon showing the number of uploaded documents.



Information in the collapsed view plus the following:

  • Full description of the clearance check.

  • If the clearance check is used in the main offer conditions or in the additional conditions.

  • If defined, the prompts for information such as Amount, Date paid, Letter from bank, and so on.

Expanded view has the following actions:

  • View the documents uploaded to the clearance check, if any.

  • Set the clearance check to Pass check or Fail check.

The image Clearance check shows a clearance check in the expanded view. The clearance check has the category Conditional offer evidence, does not have a required by date, and has one document uploaded. The clearance check also has values for the Value prompt and Note prompt.

Clearance check
The clearance check in the expanded view