02 February 2024

Manage the integration with SITS:Vision

For integrations with SITS:Vision, applications and reference data are imported using pipelines. You can schedule, monitor, and troubleshoot pipelines.


Applications are managed by Admissions or SITS:Vision. Applications imported cannot be updated in SITS:Vision until the application is exported from Admissions. Applications are exported on completion of specific actions, such as withdrawing an application.

Applications are exported to SITS:Vision using an API when specific actions are completed in Applications. For example, the actions that trigger an application transfer are as follows:

  • An application is Withdrawn.

  • An application is moved to the Ready for enrolment or Terminated folders.

After an application is transferred to SITS:Vision, it cannot be updated in Admissions.

Import applications

Applications are imported in batches. Therefore, you must define batches of applications in SITS:Vision. For more information, go to How to import applications from SITS:Vision. Applications and reference data are imported using the following pipelines:

Reference data pipeline

The daily reference data sync pipeline imports reference data for the applications on a daily schedule to keep Admissions in sync with SITS:Vision. The reference data pipeline imports reference data entities and values separately as follows:

  • Data entities, such as visa types, are imported by the CopyEntityReferenceData pipeline.
  • Values for data entities, such as the visa statues, are imported by the CopyValrepReferenceData.
Admissions pipeline

The admissions pipeline, CopyAdmissionsData, imports data as follows:

  • The Daily admissions sync pipeline imports data on a daily schedule to keep Admissions in sync with SITS:Vision. The pipeline imports data that supports, but is not directly related to the applications, such as applicants. Supporting data cannot be modified within Admissions.

  • The Admissions migration pipeline imports batches of applications from SITS:Vision. You can create batches of applications in SITS:Vision at any time based on specific criteria. For example, a batch consisting of all applications for postgraduate courses for the academic year 2022/2023. The pipeline imports the application batch according to the defined schedules. For more information, go to How to import applications from SITS:Vision.

You can set the schedule for the daily admissions sync and the admission migration pipelines. However, only one pipeline can be run at a time. For example, run the daily admissions sync pipeline in the morning and the admissions migration pipeline in the evening.

Pipeline failures are caused by transformation errors or failed activities as follows:

Transformation errors

Transformation errors are caused by inconsistencies in SITS:Vision data, such as a missing record. You can view a summary and details of each transformation error. The details of the transformation error can be used to resolve errors in the data being imported. For example, a transformation error caused by missing offer statuses can be resolved by adding the offer status to the applications in SITS:Vision and re-scheduling the admissions migration pipeline.

Failed activities

Failed activities are caused by pipeline configuration issues, network outages, and so on. Failed activities should be reported to Tribal support for further investigation.

The image SITS:Vision integration shows how the integration with SITS:Vision is managed as follows:

Define and manage the schedules for pipelines that import batches of applications or sync application and reference data. You can schedule the import of applications and reference data on the imports page. Note that the pipelines should be scheduled overnight to avoid performance issues on the databases of both systems. After the schedule has run, view the status of the import on the pipelines page.
View the status of scheduled pipeline runs and troubleshoot any transformation errors or failed activities.
Application errors
View and troubleshoot any errors that have been logged during the import of applications.
SITS:Vision integration
SITS:Vision integration