04 March 2024

How to set up an embargo

Set up embargo to define the embargo periods for applications through specific entry systems. For example, this how-to guide describes how to set up embargo for applications made through the entry system Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) using the embargo periods for 2023 as an example.

Embargo periods for 2023:

  • 11 August at 14:00 (UK time) to 17 August at 08:00 (UK time) for results in England and Wales through the JCQ (Joint council for qualifications).

  • 31 July at 18:00 (UK time) to 8 August at 09:00 (UK time) for results in Scotland through the SQA (Scottish qualifications authority).


The embargo periods in this example are from 2023. Refer to UCAS for this year's embargo periods.

Set up the embargo periods as follows:

  1. Log in as an Edge administrator or another account that has the permission Embargo settings - Edit required to set up embargo as detailed in Admissions settings permissions.

  2. Add an embargo type for England and Wales and an embargo type for Scotland. Go to Admissions settings and then Reference Data and then Applications and then go to the reference data Embargo type and add two embargo type as follows:


    Embargo type for England and Wales

    Embargo type for Scotland




    Entry system

    Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)

    Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)


    England & Wales (JCQ)

    Scotland (SQA)

  3. Add the embargo period for each embargo type. Go toAdmissions settings and then Embargo and define the embargo periods for the required entry systems.


    Embargo type for England and Wales

    Embargo type for Scotland


    UCAS embargo 2024 - England and Wales

    UCAS embargo 2024 - Scotland

    Entry system

    Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)

    Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)

    Embargo type

    England & Wales (JCQ)

    Scotland (SQA)

    Start date and Start time

    11 August and 14:00

    17 August and 08:00

    End data and End time

    1 July and 18:00

    8 August and 09:00

    Time zone

    Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (UTC+00:00)

    Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (UTC+00:00)

  4. View the embargo periods. Go to Admissions settings and then Embargo and view the embargo periods. The Status indicates whether the embargo period is upcoming, live, or ended.


    A live embargo period is active now. That is, applicants with an application made through the Entry system cannot access the applicant portal. Also, banners alert admissions staff to applications made through the Entry system that are under embargo.