22 January 2025

How to lapse offers

Lapse offers to applicants that have not responded to offers or not respond to offers before a required date. Lapsed offers have the response 1 set to Declined - Lapsed

Lapse offers as follows:

  1. Find the applications to lapse. Go to Applications queries and then define the filter. For example:

    • Filter the applications by the folder Lapsed when lapsing offers at the end of the admissions cycle.

    • Filter the applications that have a Response 1 date before or on today's date when lapsing offers to an oversubscribed programme.

    The table Operators details the operators used for filtering applications by respond by 1 date.




    less than

    Less than 01/02/2001 means before 01 February 2001.

    less than or equal to

    Less than or equal to 01/02/2001 means before and on 01 February 2001.

  2. Select the applications to lapse. On Applications queries, select up to 100 applications to open the actions toolbar and then select Actions and then Lapse offers. Lapsed offers then have the response 1 Declined - Lapsed.


    You are alerted to applications that have a respond by date that has not passed yet.