08 December 2023

What are roles and permissions?

Authorisation areas have roles with permissions. Each authorisation has pre-defined roles with permissions suitable for the role. Custom roles can be added to authorisation areas, such as when the predefined roles do not meet the requirements of your institution.

Predefined roles

The predefined roles and permissions are detailed in the following topics:

Groups are assigned to roles in authorisation areas. Groups need to be assigned to a role to use the required web app, such as Applications, and to roles to be granted permissions to use features in the web app. For example, the table Example role assignments shows the assignments for groups to use Admissions, Data Engine, and Submissions.

Example role assignments
Product Web app Authorisation area Notes



Admissions and then Applicants

Applicant manger to view and edit the applicant tabs on applications, such as the Education and experience tab.

Admissions and then Applications

Applications manager to view and edit data on applications, publish decisions, edit tags, and so on.

People and then Data

People manger to view and edit data on the person profile of applicants.

Data Engine

Data Engine

Data Engine

Data Engine manager to control and configure Data Engine data.




StatutoryAdmin to view and edit data groups settings and PRODA settings in Submissions.

Custom roles

Custom roles can be added to authorisation areas. Custom roles can have any the permissions available in the authorisation areas. For example, the table Example custom roles shows the Level 1 user custom role which has similar permissions to pre-defined manage roles, but uses the same name in all authorisation areas to simplify group assignments.

Example custom role assignments
Product Custom role Authorisation area Web app Notes


Level 1 user

Admissions and then Applicants


View and edit the applicant tabs on applications, such as the Education and experience tab.

Level 1 user

Admissions and then Applications

View and edit data on applications, publish decisions, edit tags, and so on.

Level 1 user

People and then Data

View and edit data on the person profile of applicants.