09 August 2023

How to find people

Attention.You can only find people in Admissions.

Find applicants and staff in Admissions by name, date of birth, email addresses, admissions agency identifiers, and so on. You can then view the person profile for applicants and staff, and view or create applications for applicants.

Find people as follows:

  1. On the search box at the top of each page, enter the search criteria. For example, enter the person's first name such as Paloma.

  2. On the search results page, you can use the filters to help find the person of interest. For example, to filter for a specific date of birth such as 25/02/2000.

    The image Search results shows the search results page and with a date of birth filter applied.

    Search results
    Person seach results and filters

  3. For the person of interest, you can perform the following actions:

    • View the person's profile: select the person's name.

    • View the applicant's applications: go to the vertical ellipsis and then select View applications.

    • Create a new application for the applicant: go to the vertical ellipsis and then select Create new application.

Search criteria

Find people using the personal information of an applicant or staff member, such as names, email addresses, telephone numbers, nationality, and so on. You must use exact search criteria for all information other than names. For names, you can use partial search terms to find people. For example, searching for Brit shows people with the names Britt or Britney.

Personal information

The table Person profile information details the personal information that can be used to search for people.

Person profile information
Person profile tab Information Notes

Community and nationality


Find people by nationality, such as British or Australian.

Culture and environment

Date of birth

Find people by their date of birth, such as 17/03/2000.

You can search for people by their date of birth as follows:

Use 1 or 01, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on.
Use January or Jan, and so on.
Use 23 or 2023, and so on.
The year must be a valid year, that is not less than 1 or greater than 9999.
Date format
Use a hyphen, period, or forward slash to connect the day, month, and year. For example, 17-03-2000, 17.03.2000, or 17/03/2000.


Legal full name

Given names


Preferred name

Find people by their legal full name, given names, and so on.

Person code

Find people by their person code or student code, such as 200000007.

Merge status

Find people by their merge status, that is Duplicate, No duplicate, Merge, or Provisional.

You can search by merge status to find applicants that were merged as a result of duplicate matching. For example, search for Duplicate to show all applicants with a merge status of Duplicate.

Other information

Applicant ID

Find people by their applicant ID, such as 200000007.

Person GUID

Find people by their person GUID, such as 9AA2716F-52A2-46B6-97E2-9DACD6BDAC9C.


Find people using tags that have been applied to an applicant or application, such as International.

Residence and communication

Telephone number

Mobile number

Alternative mobile number

Find people by their telephone or mobile number, such as 01482333444, 07888000000, or +7888000000.

Email address

Alternative email address

Find people by their email address, such as teresagutierrez@gmail.com.

Search logic

You can search for people with multiple criteria using logical AND or OR operators. If you do not include a search operator the search uses OR to join multiple criteria. You can also use quotes " " to perform an exact search. For example, to find people whose given name is more than one word, such as "Helen Marie".

The search logic is as follows:

Use the AND operator to show people that match all the search criteria. For example, search for a person using their first name and date of birth.
The image Search criteria using AND operator shows the search results for a person containing the information Paloma AND 25/02/2000.

Search criteria using AND operator
Person seach using and operator


Use the OR operator to show people that match one or more of the search criteria. For example, search for a person using their phone number or email address.

The image Search criteria using OR operator shows the search results for a person containing the information 07326148778 OR teresagutierrez@gmail.com.

Search criteria using OR operator
Person seach using or operator