03 August 2023

Enrolment message type

The enrolment message type contains data relating to enrolment such as the academic year, expected completion dates, and so on.


The diagram Enrolment schema shows how the entities of the enrolment message type, such as StudentVisaRequest, are linked to the other entities in the enrolment message type, such as Student. The diagram also shows how the entities in the enrolment message type are linked to entities in the alumni, applicant, course, learning and progression, and student finance message types.

Enrolment schema
Schema diagram for the enrolment message type

Entity and attribute mappings

The default entity and attribute mappings for the enrolment message type are detailed below. The enrolment message type also contains custom attributes for specific entities.

Data Engine to SITS:Vision mappings

The table Enrolment message type mappings details the Data Engine to SITS:Vision entity and attribute mappings.

For each Data Engine entity, the following attributes are generated:

  • dataSource

  • sourceChangeDateTime

  • insertedDateTime

  • updatedDateTime

The default mappings provided by Tribal can be customised for the institution in SITS:Vision. For more information on customising the mappings, go to SITS:Vision Manuals and then Menu System and then Technical Guide and then Integration Guide and then Tribal Edge and then Tribal Data Engine.
Enrolment message type mappings
Data Engine entity Data Engine attribute SITS:Vision entity SITS:Vision attribute
Students id MEN_RID RID_UUID
Students studentId MEN_RID RID_UUID
Students studentCode INS_STU STU_CODE
Students personId SRS_MST MST_EDGE
Students uniqueLearnerNo No default mapping No default mapping
Students overseas SRS_SCE SCE_FSTC
Students vleId MEN_MUA MUA_EXTU
Students husId No default mapping No default mapping
Students studentSupportNumber INS_STU STU_SSIN
Students studentStatusCode INS_STU STU_STA2
Students exStudentStatusCode INS_STU STU_STA3
Students startDate INS_STU STU_BEGD
Students endDate INS_STU STU_ENDD
Students libraryId INS_STU STU_LBID
Students termTimeAccomodationCode INS_STU STU_TTAC
Students postgraduate No default mapping No default mapping
Students institutionEmailAddress INS_STU STU_INEM
Students motorVehicleLicence INS_STU STU_MVLN
Students motorVehicleParking INS_STU STU_MVPP
Students termTimeAccomodationDescription SRS_TTA TTA_NAME
StudentCourseMemberships id MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentCourseMemberships studentCourseMembershipId MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentCourseMemberships studentProgrammeRouteId MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentCourseMemberships studentId MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentCourseMemberships courseId MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentCourseMemberships studentCode SRS_SCJ SCJ_STUC
StudentCourseMemberships courseCode SRS_SCJ SCJ_CRSJ
StudentCourseMemberships latestStudentCourseJoinCode SRS_SCJ SCJ_CODE
StudentCourseMemberships reasonForTransferOrWithdrawalCode SRS_RFT RFT_CODE
StudentCourseMemberships qualificationOnEntryCode SRS_QEN QEN_HESA
StudentCourseMemberships entryPoints No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships entryPointsSchema No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships averageGcseScore No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships courseOutcomeCode SRS_RFT RFT_ETID
StudentCourseMemberships expectedEndDate Derived from multiple Derived from multiple
StudentCourseMemberships endDate SRS_SCJ SCJ_ENDD
StudentCourseMemberships startDate SRS_SCJ SCJ_BEGD
StudentCourseMemberships courseJoinAge SRS_SCJ SCJ_AGOE
StudentCourseMemberships cohortCode No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships statusCode SRS_SCJ SCJ_STAC
StudentCourseMemberships courseJoinPersonalTutorId No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships courseGradeCode SRS_EAC EAC_HCID
StudentCourseMemberships courseAimAttainedCode INS_EQA EQA_HESA
StudentCourseMemberships courseMark CAM_SAW AWD_CODE
StudentCourseMemberships admissionsRoute SRS_CAP CAP_CLYN
StudentCourseMemberships courseTransferredFrom SRS_SCJ SCJ_CRSC
StudentCourseMemberships predictedOutcomeGrade No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships attainmentTargetGrade No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships predictedOutcomeMark No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships attainmentTargetMark No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships priorGradeEnglish No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships priorGradeMathematics No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships initialAssessmentEnglish No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships initialAssessmentMathematics No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships visa No default mapping No default mapping
StudentCourseMemberships reasonForTransferOrWithdrawalDescription SRS_RFT RFT_NAME
StudentCourseMemberships qualificationOnEntryDescription SRS_QEN QEN_NAME
StudentCourseMemberships courseOutcomeDescription SRS_RFT RFT_NAME
StudentCourseMemberships cohortDescription SRS_COH COH_NAME
StudentCourseMemberships statusDescription SRS_STA STA_NAME
StudentCourseMemberships courseGradeDescription SRS_EAC EAC_NAME
StudentCourseMemberships courseAimAttainedDescription INS_EQA EQA_NAME
StudentOnCourseInstances id MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentOnCourseInstances studentOnCourseInstanceId MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentOnCourseInstances studentCourseMembershipId MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentOnCourseInstances courseInstanceId MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentOnCourseInstances studentId MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentOnCourseInstances courseId MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentOnCourseInstances academicYearId MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentOnCourseInstances routeCode SRS_SCE SCE_ROUC
StudentOnCourseInstances courseCode SRS_SCE SCE_CRSC
StudentOnCourseInstances studentCode SRS_SCE SCE_STUC
StudentOnCourseInstances studentCourseEnrolmentCode No default mapping No default mapping
StudentOnCourseInstances sequenceNumber SRS_SCE SCE_SEQ2
StudentOnCourseInstances modeCode INS_MOA MOA_HEMA
StudentOnCourseInstances fullTimeEquivalent INS_MOA MOA_FTEV
StudentOnCourseInstances yearOfProgramme Derived from multiple Derived from multiple
StudentOnCourseInstances yearOfStudy Derived from multiple Derived from multiple
StudentOnCourseInstances courseLocation SRS_CBO CBO_LCAC
StudentOnCourseInstances progressStatus SRS_PGS PGS_FCOS
StudentOnCourseInstances externalLocationOfStudyCode SRS_ELS ELS_HLID
StudentOnCourseInstances academicYearCode SRS_SCE SCE_AYRC
StudentOnCourseInstances termtimeAccomodationCode SRS_TTA TTA_EAID
StudentOnCourseInstances expectedEndDate INS_SPR SPR_EDATE
StudentOnCourseInstances intendedThesisTitle SRS_RDS RDS_TITL
StudentOnCourseInstances startDate INS_SPR SPR_SDATE
StudentOnCourseInstances enrolmentStatusCode SRS_SCE SCE_STAC
StudentOnCourseInstances courseBlockCode SRS_SCE SCE_BLOK
StudentOnCourseInstances courseBlockOccurrenceCode SRS_SCE SCE_OCCL
StudentOnCourseInstances feeStatusCode SRS_SCE SCE_FSTC
StudentOnCourseInstances studentCourseJoinCode SRS_SCE SCE_SCJC
StudentOnCourseInstances courseJoinPersonalTutorId No default mapping No default mapping
StudentOnCourseInstances routeDescription INS_ROU ROU_NAME
StudentOnCourseInstances modeDescription INS_MOA MOA_NAME
StudentOnCourseInstances courseLocationDescription INS_LCA LCA_NAME
StudentOnCourseInstances externalLocationOfStudyDescription SRS_ELS ELS_NAME
StudentOnCourseInstances termTimeAccomodationDescription SRS_TTA TTA_NAME
StudentOnCourseInstances enrolmentStatusDescription SRS_STA STA_NAME
StudentOnCourseInstances courseBlockDescription SRS_BLK BLK_NAME
StudentOnCourseInstances feeStatusDescription SRS_FST FST_NAME
StudentVisaRequests id MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentVisaRequests studentVisaRequestId MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentVisaRequests visaDetailId MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentVisaRequests studentId MEN_RID RID_UUID
StudentVisaRequests requestId SRS_VCR VCR_IREF
StudentVisaRequests studentCode SRS_VCR VCR_STUC
StudentVisaRequests studentCourseJoinCode SRS_VCR VCR_SCJC
StudentVisaRequests enrolmentSequenceNumber SRS_VCR VCR_SECN
StudentVisaRequests validationStatus SRS_VCR VCR_VLST
StudentVisaRequests requestStatus SRS_VCR VCR_EXST
StudentVisaRequests documentStatus SRS_VCR VCR_UKST
StudentVisaRequests casNumber SRS_VCR VCR_CASN
StudentVisaRequests ukviLastStatusChangedDate SRS_VCR VCR_UKSD
StudentVisaRequests visaSequenceNumber SRS_VCR VCR_VISS

Custom attributes

The table Custom attributes details the Data Engine entities that have custom attribute fields and the number of custom attribute fields for each entity.

Custom attributes
Data Engine entity Custom attribute fields
StudentCourseMemberships 6
StudentOnCourseInstances 6
Students 6
StudentVisaRequests 2