The alumni message type contains data relating to former students of the institution such as the dates of study at the institution.
The diagram Alumni schema shows how the entities of the alumni message type, such as Alumni and GraduationCeremony, are linked to the Student entity in the enrolment message type.
Entity and attribute mappings
The default entity and attribute mappings for the alumni message type are detailed below. The alumni message type also contains custom attributes for specific entities.
Data Engine to SITS:Vision mappings
The table Alumni message type mappings details the Data Engine to SITS:Vision entity and attribute mappings.
For each Data Engine entity, the following attributes are generated:
Data Engine entity | Data Engine attribute | SITS:Vision entity | SITS:Vision attribute |
Alumni | alumnusId | MEN_RID | RID_UUID |
Alumni | alumnusCode | SRS_ALU | ALU_CODE |
Alumni | studentId | MEN_RID | RID_UUID |
Alumni | studentCode | SRS_ALU | ALU_STUC |
Alumni | alumnusType | SRS_ALU | ALU_TYPE |
Alumni | statusCode | SRS_ALU | ALU_STAC |
Alumni | statusDescription | SRS_STA | STA_NAME |
Alumni | preferredMethodOfContact | SRS_ALU | ALU_PCON |
Alumni | preferredLanguage | SRS_ALU | ALU_PLAN |
Alumni | graduationSurname | SRS_ALU | ALU_GRDS |
Alumni | dead | SRS_ALU | ALU_DEAD |
Alumni | dateDied | SRS_ALU | ALU_DIED |
Alumni | startDateAtInstitution | SRS_ALU | ALU_BEGD |
Alumni | endDateAtInstitution | SRS_ALU | ALU_ENDD |
GraduationCeremonies | id | MEN_RID | RID_UUID |
GraduationCeremonies | graduationCeremonyId | MEN_RID | RID_UUID |
GraduationCeremonies | studentId | MEN_RID | RID_UUID |
GraduationCeremonies | periodId | MEN_RID | RID_UUID |
GraduationCeremonies | studentCode | SRS_SCY | SCY_STUC |
GraduationCeremonies | sequenceNumber | SRS_SCY | SCY_SEQN |
GraduationCeremonies | ceremonyStatus | SRS_SCY | SCY_CMYS |
GraduationCeremonies | attendanceStatus | SRS_SCY | SCY_ATTS |
GraduationCeremonies | awardStatusCode | SRS_SCY | SCY_AWDS |
GraduationCeremonies | awardStatusDescription | CAM_AWS | AWS_NAME |
GraduationCeremonies | awardsCeremonyCode | SRS_SCY | SCY_CMYC |
GraduationCeremonies | studentSpecialNeeds | SRS_SCY | SCY_SNEED |
GraduationCeremonies | guestSpecialNeeds | SRS_SCY | SCY_GNEED |
GraduationCeremonies | studentCourseJoinCode | SRS_SCY | SCY_SCJC |
GraduationCeremonies | academicYearCode | SRS_SCY | SCY_AYRC |
GraduationCeremonies | periodSlotCode | SRS_SCY | SCY_PSLC |
GraduationCeremonies | departmentCode | SRS_SCY | SCY_DPTC |
GraduationCeremonies | departmentDescription | INS_DPT | DPT_NAME |
GraduationCeremonies | courseCode | SRS_SCY | SCY_CRSC |
GraduationCeremonies | programmeOfStudyCode | SRS_SCY | SCY_PRGC |
GraduationCeremonies | programmeOfStudyDescription | INS_PRG | PRG_NAME |
GraduationCeremonies | routeCode | SRS_SCY | SCY_ROUC |
GraduationCeremonies | routeDescription | INS_ROU | ROU_NAME |
GraduationCeremonies | futureCeremonyDate | SRS_SCY | SCY_FCYD |
GraduationCeremonies | confirmedAward | SRS_SCY | SCY_CAWD |
GraduationCeremonies | confirmedClassCode | SRS_SCY | SCY_CCLS |
GraduationCeremonies | studentSeatPreassigned | SRS_SCY | SCY_SPAS |
GraduationCeremonies | ceremonySeatingBlock | SRS_SCY | SCY_CYBC |
GraduationCeremonies | studentSeatRow | SRS_SCY | SCY_SROW |
GraduationCeremonies | studentSeatNumber | SRS_SCY | SCY_SSEAT |
GraduationCeremonies | numberOfGuestSeatsRequired | SRS_SCY | SCY_NSRQ |
GraduationCeremonies | numberOfGuestSeatsAll | SRS_SCY | SCY_NSAL |
GraduationCeremonies | numberOfReceptionPlacesRequired | SRS_SCY | SCY_NRRQ |
GraduationCeremonies | numberOfReceptionPlacesAll | SRS_SCY | SCY_NRAL |
GraduationCeremonies | numberOfGuestSeatsDisabled | SRS_SCY | SCY_DISP |
GraduationCeremonies | enclosedPayment | SRS_SCY | SCY_EPAY |
GraduationCeremonies | amountPaid | SRS_SCY | SCY_PAID |
GraduationCeremonies | receiptNumber | SRS_SCY | SCY_RCTN |
Custom attributes
The table Custom attributes details the Data Engine entities that have custom attribute fields and the number of custom attribute fields for each entity.
Data Engine entity | Custom attribute fields |
Alumni | 4 |
GraduationCeremonies | 4 |