Legal nationalities, such as Indian.
Details the following:
Unique value, such as 672, that must not exceed the maximum length of the corresponding field in an integrated system, such as a student management system.
After saving, the value cannot be edited.
Description that is used to select the nationality, such as Indian.
The description can be translated.
Regulatory agency identifier, FE regulatory agency external identifier, and Admissions agency identifier codes that define the nationality for reporting purposes, such as 1672.
Nationality of the nursing board, such as 6010. Applicable only to applications to nursing
Geographical group associated with the nationality, such as Other overseas.
Values are defined in the reference data for Geographical group. For more information on the geographical group, go to What is the reference data for applications?
Region of the world associated with the nationality, such as Asia.
Values are defined in the reference data for Region. For more information on the region, go to What is the reference data for applications?
Country definition associated with the nationality, such as India.
Values are defined in the reference data for Common country definition.
If selected, additional validity checks are required based on the applicant's nationality.
If selected, the nationality requires a visa. This is used with the Admissions setting Immigration to automatically calculate the visa sponsorship status.
If selected, the entity or field can have the value. If cleared after the value has been selected for the entity or field, the entity or field keeps the value. However, the value is no longer available for selection.