Entry point
Entry points that define when, where and how
Details the following:
Unique value, such as
After saving, the value cannot be edited.
![translation button](../../../Resources/Images/AppReferenceData/icon-translate.png)
Description that is used to select the entry point, such as Adult Nursing
The description can be translated.
Values are defined in the reference data for Admissions
Academic year, such as 2022, and occurrence of the entry point in the academic year, such as Summer intake.
Academic year values are defined in the reference data for Academic year.
Occurrence values are defined in the reference data for Occurrence.
Starting month for the entry point, such as
Month of entry values are defined in the reference data for Month.
The year of study for the entry point, such as Year 1.
Block values are defined in the reference data for Block. For more information on the block, go to What is the reference data for applications?
Period of study for the entry point, such as Semester 1.
Period slot values are defined in the reference data for Period slot.
Order that entry points are listed, such as 1.
Expected end date and start date for the period of study defined in Block.
GUIDs for the entry point for reporting purposes, such as 56R5F3CB-1FP2-4F1B-890F-5B7C2BA57Y18.
Unit of measurement values are defined in the reference data for Unit of measurement.
Entry window and desk associated with the entry point.
Entry window values are defined in the reference data for Entry window.
Desk values are defined in the reference data for Desk. For more information on the desk, go to What is the reference data for applications?
Method of delivery, such as On campus or Off campus.
Values are defined in the reference data for Medium. For more information on the medium, go to What is the reference data for applications?
Number of recommendations from academic reviewers that are required to make decisions on applications to
The number of required recommendations should be less than or equal to the number of people in the person collection assigned to academic reviewers of the
Number of recommendations from credit reviewers that are required to make credit offers.
The number of required recommendations should be less than or equal to the number of people in the person collection assigned to the credit reviewers of the
Optional. Additional information about the entry point for administrative purposes only.
If selected, applicants can request to defer applications on the applicant portal.
This overrides the applicant portal setting in Admission settings.
If selected, applicants can withdraw applications on the applicant portal.
This overrides the applicant portal setting in Admission settings.
If selected, the applications for this entry point require a visa. This is used with the Admissions setting Immigration to automatically calculate the visa sponsorship status.
Not used.