Example folder structures
The folders are organised in the sections of the applications process as shown in the image Basic folder structure, which has the basic sections initial checks, review, decision, and completion.

However, you can create more comprehensive folder structures to suit the institution's requirements.
For example, the image Folder structure with all sections has the basic folder structure with additional folders for interview, waiting list, and archive.

The table Sections and folders details all the available sections and folders.
Academic review in-progress (EDGE_ACADEMIC_REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS)
Academic review complete (EDGE_ACADEMIC_REVIEW_COMPLETE)
Archive folders are not visible in the dashboard as applications are not being actively processed.
Section | Folders |
Initial checks | New (EDGE_NEW_APPLICATIONS) – mandatory |
Checks in progress | |
Checks successful | |
Checks unsuccessful | |
Review | Ready for review |
Academic review in-progress (EDGE_ACADEMIC_REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS) – mandatory | |
Academic review complete (EDGE_ACADEMIC_REVIEW_COMPLETE) – mandatory | |
Offer recommended | |
Reject recommended | |
Alternative |
Waiting list recommended | |
Interview recommended | |
Interview | Ready for interview |
Interview scheduling in progress | |
Awaiting interview response | |
Interview accepted | |
Interview declined | |
Alternative interview date requested | |
Awaiting interview feedback | |
Interview complete (SITS only) | |
Interview passed (Admissions only) | |
Interview failed (Admissions only) | |
Did not attend interview | |
Interview cancelled | |
Waiting list | Ready for ranking |
Ranking in progress | |
Ranking complete | |
Decision | Ready for decision |
Awaiting decision approval | |
Alternative |
Conditional offer made | |
Conditional offer accepted | |
Unconditional offer made | |
Unconditional offer accepted | |
Conditions not met | |
Offer declined | |
Rejected | |
Withdrawn | |
Completion | Further checks |
Ready for enrolment | |
Terminated | |
Transfer in progress | |
Transfer complete | |
Transfer error | |
Archive | |
Archived | |
Ready for clear up |