01 March 2024

What is the health?

The health indicates whether the processing time of applications is within acceptable limits. You can view the health of desks, folders, and applications in a folder. Folders are configured with an acceptable processing time, such as five days (120 hours) for new applications. Then, applications have a health based on the acceptable processing time as follows:

Applications are within the acceptable processing time. Healthy is indicated by a green vertical status bar.
 At risk
Applications are within the acceptable processing time but are at risk of breaching the acceptable waiting time. At risk is indicated by an amber vertical status bar.
Applications have exceeded the acceptable waiting time. Breached is indicated by a red vertical status bar.

A desk processing domestic students aims to process new applications within a week. Therefore, the new applications folder is set with an At risk processing time of 48 hours and a Breached processing time of 168 hours (one week).

  • Unrealistic times for the At risk and Breached thresholds could result in most applications breaching the healthy processing time and make identifying issues in the process difficult.
  • Processing times include weekends and public holidays.

The diagram Application processing time shows the Healthy, At risk, and Breached processing times for an application.

Application processing time
Diagram illustrating an application is healthy when within the acceptable processing time, at risk when within the acceptable processing time but at risk of breaching the acceptable waiting time, and breached on exceeding the acceptable waiting time

The image Desks health shows the numerical desk health value and the distribution of the applications across the progress bar, which indicate the health of desks and folders.

The vertical status bar also shows the overall desk health, and as the health changes a small arrow between the desk health and progress bar indicates that health is improving (up) or deteriorating (down).

Desks health
Desks health

The health of desks and folders is calculated from the health of each application as follows:

  • 10 points for each healthy application.
  • 5 points for each at risk application.
  • 0 points for each breached application.

Applications in the Archive (EDGE_ARCHIVED) are not included in the health calculations.

The sum is then divided by the total number of applications at the desk or folder to determine the health as follows:

Health equals weighted sum divided by total number of applications Health = Weight sum / Total number of applications

The health is then displayed as follows:

  • Health 0.0 to 4.9: red for breached.
  • Health 5.0 to 6.9: amber for at risk.
  • Health 7.0 to 10.00: green for healthy.

For example, the desk health for a desk with 100 applications where 30 applications are healthy, 30 applications are at risk, and 40 are breached is calculated as follows:

Desk health equals open parenthesis ten multiplied by thirty healthy close parenthesis plus open parenthesis five multiplied by thirty at risk close parenthesis plus open parenthesis zero multiplied by forty breached close parenthesis divided by one hundred equals four point fiveDesks health = (10 x 30 healthy) + (5 x 30 at risk) + (0 x 40 breached) / 100 = 4.5

Therefore, the desk health is 4.5, which is breached, and is shown in red.

The image Desk health shows that, when a desk with breached health is selected, the health value in the desk statistics is shown inside a red circle.

Desk health
Desk statistics section of the applications list