17 January 2024

What is the lifecycle?

The lifecycle displays a timeline of events for each application. For example, events for moving an application to a desk or folder, adding a clearance check to an application, submitting a decision on an application, and so on. Each event on the timeline details the event and the date of the event, such as Move to desk 15/08/24 . Informational events are shown in blue and failed events are shown in red.

For each event in the timeline, you can view more details on the event in the application event log, which includes the following details:

  • The name of the person who initiated the event, such as making changes to the application or applicant information, moving the application to a desk, and so on. The user can be a person or a process such as Power Automate.

  • The previous and new values when changes are made to the points or qualifications. The changes are detailed in the Additional information section of the application event log. For example, the additional information below shows that the application points was changed from 120 to 136.



    "OldActualApplicationPoints": 120,

    "NewActualApplicationPoints": 136,



You can filter the timeline to show only the events of interest. For further details about an event, view the event log.

To find out why an offer failed to be sent to an applicant, filter the timeline for events with the severity Error and sub-category Publish decision. Then, to view the details of the failure in the event log, select the event from the timeline.

The right-hand control panel lets you navigate directly to an event of interest, see the total number of events for the application, and see the position of the selected event in the sequence of events.

The video Lifecycle demonstration shows the lifecycle for an application with events for submitting and publishing decisions and updating clearance checks, and options to filter the timeline, view events logs, view the position of an event in the vertical array of dots, and view the total number of events for the application.

Lifecycle demonstration